So this is fucking shit! Just found out my ex is seeing someone new, the worst part is it's the one prick I was paranoid was the real reason she left me all along! Whilst I'm sure nothing went one while we were together, it's only taken her 3 fucking months for her to get over me and I'm sure they started much sooner based on the fact that the only reason I got for us not trying again was "I just don't think it's a good idea!" What makes it worse is that she lied to me about likiing him when I asked her just over a month ago!
I was fucking great to her, cuddled her countless night because her mum made her feel like shit, went to absolute hell and back for her and this is the fucking thanks I get, there is nothing I didn't do for her, she even told me she thought I was her soulmate before, and I thought the same.
I'm still in Paris with more paintball to play tomorrow and I just can't do it, I'm jittery, in hysterics and just want to die.
I was fucking great to her, cuddled her countless night because her mum made her feel like shit, went to absolute hell and back for her and this is the fucking thanks I get, there is nothing I didn't do for her, she even told me she thought I was her soulmate before, and I thought the same.
I'm still in Paris with more paintball to play tomorrow and I just can't do it, I'm jittery, in hysterics and just want to die.
It takes disaster to learn a lesson. You're gonna make it through the darkest night.
Some people betray one and cause treason. We're gonna make everything alright.
ohhh and the cookie, you should find out