I quite like this blogging thing, it's very good venting my thought in a more healthy way, as is the conversation that arises, when I'm talking to someone I don't know at all or not very well it clears my head. I find it very interesting and exciting learning about someone and interacting with new people means my head is taking in interesting information and not dwelling on the past. Unfortunately for me I'm quite a shy person, on a night out I'll never go talk to anyone because I'm worried I'll just be bothering them plus small talk is not my strong suit. It's a bit easier on here because it's somewhat anonymous but even then it takes a lot of courage from me. Once I get to know someone I come out my shell like a turtle in a boiling pot! I'm not crazy, it's everyone else who's crazy!
In the last few days I've felt a powerful wanderlust, really wish I could say to 1 or 2 of my friends let's get in the car and go to Newquay or somewhere for the weekend and just go. Better than that disappear for a whole month, but unfortunately I can't afford to quit my job and days off usually only come 1 at time and are rare as I work 2 jobs.
The only thing I'm looking forward to right now is going to Paris in the middle of October for the European paintball World Cup. Me and my team London Fearless is playing the lowest of 5 divisions but w'ere still a newely formed team with some damn good players so it's onwards and upwards.
Maybe if I'm lucky while playing in Paris I'll get spotted by an American pro team (only 1 pro team in UK and the ones in America get a lot more out of it) and get to live my dream and the change in scenary I so desperately need.
To finish off here's 2 things that have cheered me up.
Firstly a fun picture

And a song that never fails to cheer you up no matter how bad you feel!
In the last few days I've felt a powerful wanderlust, really wish I could say to 1 or 2 of my friends let's get in the car and go to Newquay or somewhere for the weekend and just go. Better than that disappear for a whole month, but unfortunately I can't afford to quit my job and days off usually only come 1 at time and are rare as I work 2 jobs.
The only thing I'm looking forward to right now is going to Paris in the middle of October for the European paintball World Cup. Me and my team London Fearless is playing the lowest of 5 divisions but w'ere still a newely formed team with some damn good players so it's onwards and upwards.
Maybe if I'm lucky while playing in Paris I'll get spotted by an American pro team (only 1 pro team in UK and the ones in America get a lot more out of it) and get to live my dream and the change in scenary I so desperately need.
To finish off here's 2 things that have cheered me up.
Firstly a fun picture

And a song that never fails to cheer you up no matter how bad you feel!
I'm mostly looking forward to it so I can get lost in the world, lost in the landscape and lost in the characters I grew up reading about. Nerd I am
Random conversations with random people is how I met some of my closest friends. You'd be surprised what people will tell a complete stranger compared to what they would tell their friends and family.
I get it though, I can be horribly shy. The interwebs are helpful that way.