If all goes well the book will be done by tomorrow and I will have a nice, relaxing weekend.
If all doesn't go well...I guess the book didn't get finished and I'll have a working weekend.
I love that it will be 4 days long though, either way.
I'm exausted. No more computer. My brain hurts.
This book is real neat-o though, if you like tattoos anyhow.
If all doesn't go well...I guess the book didn't get finished and I'll have a working weekend.
I love that it will be 4 days long though, either way.
I'm exausted. No more computer. My brain hurts.
This book is real neat-o though, if you like tattoos anyhow.
so it is now july....where the hell are all of the hot dogs?
You'll have to give me a copy of that book. I got those tickets for you still. 4 of em.