I got to watch the Sharks SPANK the Red Wings last night in the deluxe upper box seats at the Shark Tank. The local news channel is trying to schmooze my company for business by wining and dining us. Not bad. Free food and beers all night in high style. I could get used to that.
I got a free pass to the whole Cinequest San Jose film festival that starts tonight plus all the VIP parties (that generally suck) through work too.
At least there's some perks for working like a dog for the man.
Osmonds...tearing it up!
Just got a call from Mom.
RIP Grandma Catherine Nystrom
I got a free pass to the whole Cinequest San Jose film festival that starts tonight plus all the VIP parties (that generally suck) through work too.
At least there's some perks for working like a dog for the man.
Osmonds...tearing it up!
Just got a call from Mom.
RIP Grandma Catherine Nystrom

sure - I cannot promise you will like what I made BUT I am up for it!
It is a great city, I have not been in years!