ok.. so todays been pretty shitty.. jordan's not here thanks to long lines and stupid airports.. but .. alais.. the ticket is able to be reissued.. so.. a 340 dollar ticket is now worth 280.00, and its not transferrable.. so we can't just have me go out there.. so.. now trying to find a makeup date.. we found one in 2 weeks that is do-able if something at work falls through for him.. so *keep your fingers crossed*
in happier news.. ummmm.. yay.. i have a house that is spotless and a full refridgrator..lol
*hugs* to everyone.. and make sure if you know of anyone traveling.. to get to the airport like 4-5 hrs early.
and as always...

I will be running 25 prints for now.
They will be $65 since the cost of the prints and shipping ( i have to buy those things so people don't wreck them in the mail..) I know its a little more than i orginally was going to ask..
I can accept payments to my paypal, punkydoll@gmail.com and make sure to send mailing or shipping instructions with it
that way too I know what to expect in the way of printing.. lol
"When Art Becomes Reality..."
in happier news.. ummmm.. yay.. i have a house that is spotless and a full refridgrator..lol
*hugs* to everyone.. and make sure if you know of anyone traveling.. to get to the airport like 4-5 hrs early.
and as always...

I will be running 25 prints for now.
They will be $65 since the cost of the prints and shipping ( i have to buy those things so people don't wreck them in the mail..) I know its a little more than i orginally was going to ask..
I can accept payments to my paypal, punkydoll@gmail.com and make sure to send mailing or shipping instructions with it

"When Art Becomes Reality..."
p.s. i agree with your opinion about the Sune set. is amazing