Got my camera! weeee!
I LOVE IT!!!! Added a photography section to my website were there are some pics.. and some in my pics here too..
I have been playin with a tripod that jordan sent me so that I could take pics for him.. haha..
Here's some randomness.. I am so bored.. All my friends are either busy.. or getting laid this weekend.. LOL.. damn it.. haha..
BUT I am going to the She Wants Revange concert at bogarts with Gary

I LOVE IT!!!! Added a photography section to my website were there are some pics.. and some in my pics here too..
I have been playin with a tripod that jordan sent me so that I could take pics for him.. haha..
Here's some randomness.. I am so bored.. All my friends are either busy.. or getting laid this weekend.. LOL.. damn it.. haha..
BUT I am going to the She Wants Revange concert at bogarts with Gary

love the new pics...especially the dragon ones. and the water bottle one called cooling off really makes me thirsty!
is there a reason the new gallery is laid out differently? i had to quite a bit of scrolling even with the window maxed to see everything. don't mean to nit pick i was just wondering
hooray for the new camera...the results are lovely and i bet you're having a blast