Its friday thank god.. lol.. this week went way tooo slow.. lol.. finnished the dragon painting, will have an updated pic up soon, also working on some sketches for another site
Hopefully I can get to go see RedViolet sometime this month to get a group of pictures taken! YAY! And hopefully Jordan will make it out this month *le sigh* miss him.. haven't gotten to cuddle with him since May went I went out for an extended weekend for a wedding... I miss his warmth
I am getting everything in order to move out to cali within the next 6-9 months
YAY! I can't wait! I want to get out of ohio so bad! Its killin me slowly.. All the money that I am making from my paintings (sold 8 so far this year) and the prints of the paintings I hope to have done this coming week will be going to my moving fund. Got rid of all my credit card debt so I am only paying my mortgage and utlities right now.. so its about a paycheck a month saved! WEEE! But I am paying double with my mortgage payments so when I sell my house I will make some cash back too
Here's a random pic.. getting used to making expressions.. cause i suck getting my photo taken. haha

Hopefully I can get to go see RedViolet sometime this month to get a group of pictures taken! YAY! And hopefully Jordan will make it out this month *le sigh* miss him.. haven't gotten to cuddle with him since May went I went out for an extended weekend for a wedding... I miss his warmth

I am getting everything in order to move out to cali within the next 6-9 months

Here's a random pic.. getting used to making expressions.. cause i suck getting my photo taken. haha

You were the second !! hhaha
i really hope things work out for you to move and get out of the small town ohio because you've got talent and dreams and small town life tends to drain inspiration. at least get to a city or somewhere with a thriving art community. that is what i'm planning to do come hell or high water...
meh i've been living a sort of dulled half life but now i'm free and revived and ready to move on to somewhere vibrant and see if i can get my foot in the door
best wishes for the moving plans