Seriously.........I need more FRIENDS in SG Land!!
Now I know what it feels like to know ,to love and to worry about a soldier, what they do for their country and what it does to them. May God be with each and every one of the men and women who sacrifice for their country and couldnt be with their families and friends. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!
Do you know that feeling, when you realize that you caught the real big luck? When you realize that nothing bad could destroy this? When you realize this lasts forever! It is the greatest feeling ever! I have no words for this. It is just overwhelming and I still have to learn to handle it, to understand it and to get used to it. I...
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I'm so thankful about having Mr. Perfect by my side. Right now I'm going to a rough time and this special, awesome guy still makes me laugh and makes me feel special and treats me like a princess. He make me keep my head up high and believe in myself! He just let me be myself and touches my heart so deep every day and...
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I once thought I had to settle for second best, that I would never find the person who completed me. Then by pure chance I met you. You are everything I ever looked for, you were the missing piece of the puzzle I've been trying to finis for so long. I'm so sorry for all the misunderstanding and the difficulties we he have coming from different worlds. I promise you, we are worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for. I Love You Strudel.
You can't imagine how happy and thankful I am that you ran into my life! No matter what......I always see you as perfect! You complete me and I can't live without you anymore! I'm sorry too coz it isn't always easy with me. Yeah I know I'm sometimes pain in the ass! ;-)
This misunderstandings and everything else what seems a little hard at the moment just gets us closer. You are right we are worth fighting for, YOU are worth fighting for! I would go through hell for you if I would have to! I'm so looking forward to our future!! I LOVE YOU TOO HASE!!! More and more every day to infinity!!
This misunderstandings and everything else what seems a little hard at the moment just gets us closer. You are right we are worth fighting for, YOU are worth fighting for! I would go through hell for you if I would have to! I'm so looking forward to our future!! I LOVE YOU TOO HASE!!! More and more every day to infinity!!
Thinking about things that make you go hmmmmmmm!!!
If you believe that anybody gives a fuck about what I have to say take a look at how many of my "friends" replied to my last post. On this site if you are over 35 you are absolutly invisble.
baby, you think you are invisible coz of your age? that no one gives a damn about what you have to say? than what is the sense of being here? or atleast of writing a blog in here? I mean.....real good friends, those who are close, give a damn about what you have to say. Coz they care. But even if you share thoughts, feelings and pieces of your life in a blog, you are a stranger to those people in here.
2 more month until the reunion with my Hase!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!
6 more work-days until my vacation!
6 more work-days until my vacation!
You are an incredible woman, if only you could see that. :-)
Waking up talking to the most important person in my life made me so damn happy!!
But it seems some people don't want me to be happy! You know that shit, when people get mad at you when you don't act exactly the way they want you to? I shouldn't give a damn on it, but HECK..... it's family!
But it seems some people don't want me to be happy! You know that shit, when people get mad at you when you don't act exactly the way they want you to? I shouldn't give a damn on it, but HECK..... it's family!
Being able to make the most Beautiful woman I know happy in the morning is what I live for.
YES Hase, you know how to make me happy in EVERY way! ;-)