Howdy all y'all in SG land. In true PunkSkunk style its been a million years or so since I blogged. Scandalous I know, but you cannot force open the petals of a rose.
Anyhow, A momentous occasion has come to pass. One that is blog worthy, and thus begins my blog.
As a poncy iPhone owner a road trip is a perfect excuse to use LemeLeme to make ordinary pictures look like you and artsy mo fo, so that is what this blog shall be.
*side note* Its also an excuse to take pics of your friends looking like dumbasses and say 'trolololol this is going in my blog.'
This weekend myself along with the gifted talamia the immortal Xaosnyte and the insanely beautiful Tarion took a trip to the Drakensburg. Tarions folks live there, and it is an ab fab place to go and get in touch with ones inner hippy.
Here are some pics of the trip down. The SA countryside is exceptionally beautiful, even in winter, and if these pics don't make you go 'ooh aaah' then nothing will.
Here is some scenery of the way down

We stopped for food which made Talamia smile

And then she stabbed her Cream Soda

We drove past some signs, which all looked like they were leaning over because of the wind but it was just Xaosnytes epic driving abilities that made them back off in sheer terror.

Here is Xaos driving like a baddass...

This one is particularly 'ooh aaah' worthy...

Some artsy mountain goodness

And now we enter the part of my blog which I like to call "Leave LemeLeme on random for long enough, and eventually you'll get a bunch of really old looking pics to put in your blog."
Behold fake olds chool goodness.

So we got to our destination and Talamia celebrated with a Mario jump pose in her AWESOME Mario hoodie

This is the closest thing to a photo shoot you'll manage with her.

Never fear, there are more dodgy pics to come. She's not getting off that lightly.
We went to Notingham Road...

Which is home to a place called Rawdons.

They make Beer there. Yes thats Beer with a capital B. It is in fact the most epic Beer in the universe.
They have an epic truck to bring that yeasty goodness to you.

They have 4 flavors. You can buy a taste tester thing of them.

Here they are in closeup.

Xaos enjoyed them too.

Mmmmm. nom nom nom. No preservatives (you gotta keep it refrigerated and drunk within 8 weeks of purchase) Needless to say I bought lots. Gotta drink it all soon. Damn.

Talamia liked the sign so much she wore it as a hat.

On the way out we saw an epic car.

He had a poncy number plate though so I took the liberty of making it better using my epic MS paint skills

Anyhow, this blog is becoming exceptionally long, so what I have decided to do is make it a 2 part series and continue this at a later stage.
Before I go though, we watched this wicked '60's series called The Prisoner while we were there. Tarion's dad is great at entertaining with amazing old school goodies. Anyhow its about this Posh english spy who gets kidnapped and put on this island in a lost-esque fashion, and you have no idea what the fuck is going on the whole way through.
Anyhow, he's an angry angry man with angry poses, a deep stern voice and an amazing forehead.

Forehead totally kicks ass right?
So in one bit, this girl (the only pretty girl by '60's standards on the island) gives him an 'electopass' to help him get off the island. This is followed by him asking 'a what?' in the sternest, harshest British accent ever.
'A what?' done in amazing forehead guy's voice became a running joke. It was kinda one of those, you had to be there to understand it kinda jokes, but what evs. I dont really care.
So to finish my blog here is a little 'a what?' tribute.

Ok homies and homettes, thats it for now.
2nd installment coming soon.
Anyhow, A momentous occasion has come to pass. One that is blog worthy, and thus begins my blog.
As a poncy iPhone owner a road trip is a perfect excuse to use LemeLeme to make ordinary pictures look like you and artsy mo fo, so that is what this blog shall be.
*side note* Its also an excuse to take pics of your friends looking like dumbasses and say 'trolololol this is going in my blog.'

This weekend myself along with the gifted talamia the immortal Xaosnyte and the insanely beautiful Tarion took a trip to the Drakensburg. Tarions folks live there, and it is an ab fab place to go and get in touch with ones inner hippy.
Here are some pics of the trip down. The SA countryside is exceptionally beautiful, even in winter, and if these pics don't make you go 'ooh aaah' then nothing will.
Here is some scenery of the way down

We stopped for food which made Talamia smile

And then she stabbed her Cream Soda

We drove past some signs, which all looked like they were leaning over because of the wind but it was just Xaosnytes epic driving abilities that made them back off in sheer terror.

Here is Xaos driving like a baddass...

This one is particularly 'ooh aaah' worthy...

Some artsy mountain goodness

And now we enter the part of my blog which I like to call "Leave LemeLeme on random for long enough, and eventually you'll get a bunch of really old looking pics to put in your blog."
Behold fake olds chool goodness.

So we got to our destination and Talamia celebrated with a Mario jump pose in her AWESOME Mario hoodie

This is the closest thing to a photo shoot you'll manage with her.

Never fear, there are more dodgy pics to come. She's not getting off that lightly.
We went to Notingham Road...

Which is home to a place called Rawdons.

They make Beer there. Yes thats Beer with a capital B. It is in fact the most epic Beer in the universe.
They have an epic truck to bring that yeasty goodness to you.

They have 4 flavors. You can buy a taste tester thing of them.

Here they are in closeup.

Xaos enjoyed them too.

Mmmmm. nom nom nom. No preservatives (you gotta keep it refrigerated and drunk within 8 weeks of purchase) Needless to say I bought lots. Gotta drink it all soon. Damn.

Talamia liked the sign so much she wore it as a hat.

On the way out we saw an epic car.

He had a poncy number plate though so I took the liberty of making it better using my epic MS paint skills

Anyhow, this blog is becoming exceptionally long, so what I have decided to do is make it a 2 part series and continue this at a later stage.
Before I go though, we watched this wicked '60's series called The Prisoner while we were there. Tarion's dad is great at entertaining with amazing old school goodies. Anyhow its about this Posh english spy who gets kidnapped and put on this island in a lost-esque fashion, and you have no idea what the fuck is going on the whole way through.
Anyhow, he's an angry angry man with angry poses, a deep stern voice and an amazing forehead.

Forehead totally kicks ass right?
So in one bit, this girl (the only pretty girl by '60's standards on the island) gives him an 'electopass' to help him get off the island. This is followed by him asking 'a what?' in the sternest, harshest British accent ever.
'A what?' done in amazing forehead guy's voice became a running joke. It was kinda one of those, you had to be there to understand it kinda jokes, but what evs. I dont really care.
So to finish my blog here is a little 'a what?' tribute.

Ok homies and homettes, thats it for now.
2nd installment coming soon.
I might have to tell your wife