Okie Dokie, so I been a busy bee of late I must say.
What with looming deadlines and the likes.
Anyhow so yeah in between that I got a mail from a mate that I used to jam with for a bit, and he want so to start a new band. Happy happy days. He had a bit of a falling out with his old homie that he used to play with, and basically is looking to make more accessible music. Stuff that you can dance to and have a blast basically but still with some decent roots in it.
He's organised a bassist and drummer and we met tonight to discuss the plan stan.
So we're basically gonna spend the next month jamming every weekend, but working on a few covers during the week, and laying them down over the weekend to feel each other up so to speak. Once we're more comfy with each other we're gonna start seeing what original stuff we can put down.
So we decided on Dashboard by modest mouse, and If you have to ask by the peppers.
here's the links to check em out if you want.
Both of them have the funk in truck loads layered onto them which should be fun. For those of you that know me, you'll agree, this is my playground.
Anyhow so loads of homework between now and saturday to get the shit down.
What else is happening... eeem lemmi see. My good friend Cuddlefish will be coming up to party soon from Durbs, can't wait for that. Its gonna be off the hook.
What else. Oh yeah Xaos broke his thumb, but aint seen the doc yet, so next time we spar at Kenjutsu I'm gonna slap him on his knuckle and laugh like Dr Horrible.
Noob. Get it seen to mo fo.
Anyhow, thats about it from me. Off to play da blues punk.
Laters y'all
What with looming deadlines and the likes.
Anyhow so yeah in between that I got a mail from a mate that I used to jam with for a bit, and he want so to start a new band. Happy happy days. He had a bit of a falling out with his old homie that he used to play with, and basically is looking to make more accessible music. Stuff that you can dance to and have a blast basically but still with some decent roots in it.
He's organised a bassist and drummer and we met tonight to discuss the plan stan.
So we're basically gonna spend the next month jamming every weekend, but working on a few covers during the week, and laying them down over the weekend to feel each other up so to speak. Once we're more comfy with each other we're gonna start seeing what original stuff we can put down.
So we decided on Dashboard by modest mouse, and If you have to ask by the peppers.
here's the links to check em out if you want.
Both of them have the funk in truck loads layered onto them which should be fun. For those of you that know me, you'll agree, this is my playground.
Anyhow so loads of homework between now and saturday to get the shit down.
What else is happening... eeem lemmi see. My good friend Cuddlefish will be coming up to party soon from Durbs, can't wait for that. Its gonna be off the hook.
What else. Oh yeah Xaos broke his thumb, but aint seen the doc yet, so next time we spar at Kenjutsu I'm gonna slap him on his knuckle and laugh like Dr Horrible.
Noob. Get it seen to mo fo.
Anyhow, thats about it from me. Off to play da blues punk.
Laters y'all
Oh my word!! wh thew fuck do i not know about xaos!!! knock him the fuck out and take him to the doctor! if i get there to have to stare at a gangrenous thumb!! This time next month i am on holiday! 

OMG Pixel nailed the cute thing!