Hello Boys and girls........... long time no see! as in today, November 1st, my ass is driving cross country from Virginia to Oregon. i hope everything goes well. i'll be back in a few days to post pics from my long ass road trip, about 3,000 freaking miles to go...........
what is up biotches!?!?!?!?!? been some what busy over here.... trying to get take a math course so i can better myself when i go into the US. NAVY... haha! right! we'll see about that this Monday.
As in now i been working some what to pay off some bills and what nots...and also trying to fix my truck...... i... Read More
I definitely would have loved it. Not only do I love the beach, but I adore surfing as well. I never truly got proficient in the art of surfing, but I've caught a few waves.
Still Summer time... can't get enough of it.. the beach is awesome and i should be posting some pictures on here soon so stop your pink panty melt down damn it!
aw that sucks! That's what I'm trying to prevent...crashing and eating concrete. I'm going to just try a little bit each day...preferably when no one is around. Haha.
oooh i spent all day at the beach today! so divine!
summer, sand, coconut oil.. (naked girlies - the schoolboys couldnt believe their luck when they saw five of us bathing half naked!)