wow and how anti clamatic
but hey i am old now but i did get the transformers first season on dvd and a flask with my name on it
woo hoo
i will be at the schoonner tonight if any yall t town locals wanna stop in feel free
i hate working it sucks ass but school starts on the 23rd and that exciting. i guess i should be excied for my birthday this wednessday but i am not, atleast i convinced my mom to give me money to get some work done on my leg finished, it amazing how parents can be so against piercing and tattoos and then one day they turn... Read More
we could talk about my shatty life, i got in a car acccindent a year ago and my back will never be the same, i go to school and pay a lot of money to do so. will it get me any where????, maybe maybe not. i am a retail whore my boss can't live with out me she would loose it she can't think... Read More
Matt is the man with the master plan
if anyone can do it hes the man
a trilogy is what he be doing
but its a thrilogy you'll be groovin
a one track plan for all to hear
we can all celabrate with a glass of beer
we'll lay it down on the the street
for you all to catch the phat beat
a lil... Read More
Ryhmes so hard to find you need a
lyrical map. You take a right you take a left
and you don't know where your at. a GPS system couldn't
find your rhymes and I'm gonna have to
tell you dis how many mo times. Your beats
are so weak they don't make a sound, maybe that's why
your butch dyke ex be Poonin around. Now... Read More
so i have never been good at this journal thing but as i surf through this site and see other peoples entrys i can't help but feel compeled to write about something important to me. and than i relize that i might not know what is important to me. is it my family? my cat? my schooling? my friends? my lifestyle? then i relize that... Read More