Don't you love how family holidays bring you all soo much closer?? My dad is completely senile at 49, poor mom....
Oh and I think he's finally figured out that I'm a pothead. I wonder if its my worship of Bob Marley, my rasta sarongs, my refusal to care about anything material, or the fact that I'm so mellow that its literally imposible to make me angry or confrontational that finally gave it away?? Either way, the first time he busted me smoking way back he kicked me out of the house (he had a brother who got really fucked on drugs, then turned religious, so he worries ill do the same), but now he seems to almost have come to terms with it.
Dad is actually really cool. He's covered in tattoos--full sleeves, chest and legs; he used to be a tat artist himself. He's also funny, crazy, and gets into trouble way more than I do, he's just seriously losing his mind. Spending time with him is stressful, and he gets mad so easily. I wish he would just smoke one or do some yoga and chill the f out or something.
Anyways, we are spending 2 weeks in BC, which is about a thousand times more beautiful than Alberta. We did an overnight hike to some hotsprings and slept out in the open, and we're about to spend a week at my uncles cabin on a small island off the coast. Little isolated log cabin right on the ocean, aka 'heaven'!! Once upon a time I proposed to my ex there. Couldnt have been more prefect, at the time.
oo oo and since piercings seem to be 'the thing' to mention on here, i finally redid my nose and monroe, both of which got horribly infected at different times last year. Eww my monroe actually had to be surgically removed from my face cause the skin grew over the backing during the night. It was totally my fault though, thats what you get for having a hardcore make out session 2 nights in a row right after getting a piercing....
ohhhh and guess who's blissfully in love????????
Anyways, peace and love to everybody, hope you're getting some sun (smash that fucking tv and go outside!!!!!!) and hope your enjoying summer too. Soon its back to work which means back to killing time looking at SG.
Oh and I think he's finally figured out that I'm a pothead. I wonder if its my worship of Bob Marley, my rasta sarongs, my refusal to care about anything material, or the fact that I'm so mellow that its literally imposible to make me angry or confrontational that finally gave it away?? Either way, the first time he busted me smoking way back he kicked me out of the house (he had a brother who got really fucked on drugs, then turned religious, so he worries ill do the same), but now he seems to almost have come to terms with it.
Dad is actually really cool. He's covered in tattoos--full sleeves, chest and legs; he used to be a tat artist himself. He's also funny, crazy, and gets into trouble way more than I do, he's just seriously losing his mind. Spending time with him is stressful, and he gets mad so easily. I wish he would just smoke one or do some yoga and chill the f out or something.
Anyways, we are spending 2 weeks in BC, which is about a thousand times more beautiful than Alberta. We did an overnight hike to some hotsprings and slept out in the open, and we're about to spend a week at my uncles cabin on a small island off the coast. Little isolated log cabin right on the ocean, aka 'heaven'!! Once upon a time I proposed to my ex there. Couldnt have been more prefect, at the time.
oo oo and since piercings seem to be 'the thing' to mention on here, i finally redid my nose and monroe, both of which got horribly infected at different times last year. Eww my monroe actually had to be surgically removed from my face cause the skin grew over the backing during the night. It was totally my fault though, thats what you get for having a hardcore make out session 2 nights in a row right after getting a piercing....
ohhhh and guess who's blissfully in love????????

Anyways, peace and love to everybody, hope you're getting some sun (smash that fucking tv and go outside!!!!!!) and hope your enjoying summer too. Soon its back to work which means back to killing time looking at SG.

i can't wait, coming home soon!