My pilgrimage shall take me a variety of sacred sites, including the birthplace of Buddha, the Golden temple (centre of the Sikh religion), Varanasi (the most sacred tirtha, or crossing point to Nirvana, on the ganges river), Dharamsala (home of the Dalai Lama as well as my sponsor child), Lhasa (the holy capital of Tibet), the base of Mount Everest, Emei Shan (one of the four sacred Taoist peaks) and Leshan (biggest standing Buddha in the world).
I'll do my best to let you know where I am and what I'm doing, but Asian internet cafes tend to be really slow, costly, and I don't know how cool they are with customers looking at soft core porn....

I'm gonna miss all my sexy SG friends though

I love all of you, and am presently notably obsessed with
Brogan, kogii, Fenchurch, Lexie, Nya, Akemi, Sid and SarahJane
and of course I will always love Wix and my future wife lovebuzz2 and one of my best friends
The offer is still on the table for postcards just e-mail ('contact') me your address


i got your postcard!
You have the most adorable printing ever, lol. Welcome home!

time to update you lazy bastard! um...not that I need updating, but others probably do!