just got back from vegas and i actually won money. somethin like a hundred bucks at video poker which is my game of choice cuz you dont have to play with other people you dont know. I hit four of a kind six times in 2 days which is amazing to me. I always end up losing like 300 bucks whenever i go. Plenty of...
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IF you have nothing nice to say. THEN SAY IT WITH CONVICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, it's you! Now, if we could just do something with that light we could see your face.
perfect in every way shape and form. Faking the dirt. marking your skin, pushing metal through like your one of us. You will sell out like everyone else. Why do you mock us its not as if we have a choice in what we want to be. Were born into it and you wont and cant understand it so why must you try to look,...
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Im pissed off for no reason so i find reasons to be pissed off about. A vicious circle of personal problems and of course the present situation of society. you know when you start thinking about something or something sucks so you relate it to something that sucks even more? then you cant let go with out some type of personal closure so it ends...
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How come when you go out on a limb for a friend(chickordick) they take well advantage of an easy situation? you give a person the bare necessities to live and all they need to do is get their own feet on the ground and then they just act stupid and end up fucking you around. I love my friends but its not fair how they...
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Lots of people aren't like that. Good luck meeting some new people.
how amazing is johnny cash i dont know how he does that to me.
fashionable anarchy isnt it cute?
Ok what do you like better AFI now or AFI bro hymn circa 95?
very dramatic change in my opinion but for the better.
very dramatic change in my opinion but for the better.
Pork grinds-eeeewwwwwwww
questioning myself and my motives constantly leads to insanity. I feel like the night of the living dead at times. Overwhelmed, i cant feel. Your best sense of direction comes from feeling, i think. Although its the one thing that can lead you astray. What happens when you forget how to feel though? you purposely distance yourself from everything and everybody. Not just the ones...
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and then i thought maybe its not so bad after all.
And then I spoke saying the stupidest shit that I possibly could say. WHere it came from i dont know and what inspired it.............well, who knows but it still made me laugh.
Then she magically disapeared out of all our lives............
...........and then i thought maybe its not so bad afterall
Migraines are most def. problems.