Its Update Time!!!
Its been a busy week, and I wanted to make sure I updated my journal before the weekend! Thanks to those who sent me kind words about my job, its been much appreciated! But the job is going good so far, its a fast paced production job... pretty much right up my alley! But, I think being off work for a month & a half is making me pay... I'm all sore & shit when I'm off work... I think my body needs to get used to this whole working thing again. But so far, so good. No complaints, I even work with a cool girl that I met thru going to shows... and that rocks! But I dont mind my schedule too much, getting up at 5am kinda sucks... but I've always worked 1st shift so its no big deal to me! I'm really diggin that I have Saturday, Sunday & Mondays off every week... so 3 day weekends every week, does it get any better than that? And I still pull 40 hours, this job so had my name on it!
I'm going costume shopping tommorrow, not coming home until I have something picked out... I think I'm making this alot harder than it should be! But I'm hitting up 2 places that I know I'll be able to find something at, wish me luck. I will NOT reveal my costume... you'll just have to find me at the SG Hell-O-Ween party... ha ha ha!!!
Lots going on as always! And now that I'm working, I feel more busy than ever! I got the poster / flyer for my Punk Nite show next Saturday Oct. 30th, who's coming? I think I'm gonna end up passing on the Fetish ball in Columbus on the 29th... gonna use that day just to relax & chill... cause dammit, I havent been able to do that on a weekend in forever! Plus, I got my bday weekend coming up next month, as well as another PHP... it never ends!!!
Punk Nite poster / flyer for my show on the 30th!!!
Yet another busy ass weekend planned:
Its Guys Nite Out Version 2.0 out in Columbus... but some of the ladies are coming out as well. We are going out to dinner, then hitting up some kind of haunted house, then ending the nite @ Pure Platinum strip club... gonna be fun! Its gonna be fun hanging with all those who r coming out, I can't wait!
I'm off to the SG Hell-O-Ween party in Pittsburgh w/ patch, Poe, & Lexie! And I cant even list all who are gonna be there... cause its like 60 people... but I look forward to seeing & hanging with everybody, this is gonna be a blast!
After our drive back to Columbus, I'm off to Indianapolis to catch the GENITORTURERS, damn I'm gonna be tired, but its so gonna be worth it. I hope I get to meet the cool ass LilithVain as I know she is touring with them & is part of their live stage show, should be cool nonetheless!
Go Welcome Poe to Columbus, Ohio!!!
Jem + blood = rejected silent hill set... go looky HERE!
Question of the day:
Whats yr favorite horror movie(s) of all time?
Its been a busy week, and I wanted to make sure I updated my journal before the weekend! Thanks to those who sent me kind words about my job, its been much appreciated! But the job is going good so far, its a fast paced production job... pretty much right up my alley! But, I think being off work for a month & a half is making me pay... I'm all sore & shit when I'm off work... I think my body needs to get used to this whole working thing again. But so far, so good. No complaints, I even work with a cool girl that I met thru going to shows... and that rocks! But I dont mind my schedule too much, getting up at 5am kinda sucks... but I've always worked 1st shift so its no big deal to me! I'm really diggin that I have Saturday, Sunday & Mondays off every week... so 3 day weekends every week, does it get any better than that? And I still pull 40 hours, this job so had my name on it!

I'm going costume shopping tommorrow, not coming home until I have something picked out... I think I'm making this alot harder than it should be! But I'm hitting up 2 places that I know I'll be able to find something at, wish me luck. I will NOT reveal my costume... you'll just have to find me at the SG Hell-O-Ween party... ha ha ha!!!

Lots going on as always! And now that I'm working, I feel more busy than ever! I got the poster / flyer for my Punk Nite show next Saturday Oct. 30th, who's coming? I think I'm gonna end up passing on the Fetish ball in Columbus on the 29th... gonna use that day just to relax & chill... cause dammit, I havent been able to do that on a weekend in forever! Plus, I got my bday weekend coming up next month, as well as another PHP... it never ends!!!

Punk Nite poster / flyer for my show on the 30th!!!
Yet another busy ass weekend planned:
Its Guys Nite Out Version 2.0 out in Columbus... but some of the ladies are coming out as well. We are going out to dinner, then hitting up some kind of haunted house, then ending the nite @ Pure Platinum strip club... gonna be fun! Its gonna be fun hanging with all those who r coming out, I can't wait!
I'm off to the SG Hell-O-Ween party in Pittsburgh w/ patch, Poe, & Lexie! And I cant even list all who are gonna be there... cause its like 60 people... but I look forward to seeing & hanging with everybody, this is gonna be a blast!
After our drive back to Columbus, I'm off to Indianapolis to catch the GENITORTURERS, damn I'm gonna be tired, but its so gonna be worth it. I hope I get to meet the cool ass LilithVain as I know she is touring with them & is part of their live stage show, should be cool nonetheless!
Go Welcome Poe to Columbus, Ohio!!!

Jem + blood = rejected silent hill set... go looky HERE!
Question of the day:
Whats yr favorite horror movie(s) of all time?
Its alot shorter
Dude, that's a kick ass poster! I want one!