Labor Day Weekend Rocked My Ass!!!
What a killer weekend, I didn't want it to end, EVER!!! I spent the whole weekend with one of my bestest friends Poe, we had such a blast doing all kinds of stuff! I was sad to see her leave on Tuesday nite, but I think I'm gonna be seeing alot more of her in the future, which is just awesome news!
me & Poe!
us again!
Friday:I went to Diamonds & just chilled & killed time, saw peachygrrl so that was cool. Just relaxed & watched naked ladies!!!
Saturday: I picked Poe up @ 1:00am on Saturday, then we drove right out to Columbus where we spent the next few days. We hooked up with shabbydo who was awesome enough to hook us up with a super nice hotel room. Thanks man!!! We got out to Columbus round 2:30am, too tired to do anything we just went to the hotel & chilled. All 3 of us just shot the shit, talked, goofed around till 6am, it was alot of fun though! We got up & checked out around 11:30am, got alittle grub, then shabbydo took us over to Gameworks & hooked both me & Poe up with gamecards so that we could play games. It was a freaking blast! We played alot of fun shit, I beat shabbydo in air hockey in a best 2 out of 3, that shit was a ton of fun! We did this awesome balloon game where you got shot up & down in the air, total blast! And I got my ass kicked in virtual fighting...and by a girl, Poe! Also, played several other games, but this place & the games was a total freaking blast, thanks again shabbydo for the mad hookup!!! Afterwards, Poe & I went to the Short North & walked around some, talked alot about how we both wanna move to Columbus. Hit up some cool places like Magnolias (I bought the new TubRing cd), also hit up The Garden as well as The Chamber, all were cool places to check out! After, went & picked up Fortysix_And_Two, ran some errands & went out to The Bowling Palace, just about everybody was there already! Lots of our awesome SG peeps came out, like kellyjanice, orez, Loe, _seven_, ghosty, urnes, pryn, the_grinch, shabbydo, it was pretty much our regular crew along with a few new peeps. We had a blast bowling, but we always do! Kermit the Frog made an apperance, and you absolutely have to check out the pics, if you were there or not, these pics are hilarious!!! I sucked at bowling, bowled a 103 & then a horrible 83, but it was still a freaking blast! Everybody seemed to have a great time, and that rocked! After bowling, went to Hounddogs for alittle bit, then went to Outland, it was only 3 of us who went so we didnt stay that long. I wanted to take Poe so she could see what this place is like, she seemed to dig it! Then, ended up crashing at orez's place, it was a super long nite & didnt get to bed till 6am, but lots of good times were had!
Sunday: We pretty much were super lazy & just chilled with orez & kellyjanice for most of the day! We all just talked, messed around on SG, had an interested conversation about SG Daje, messed around on SG, watched tv, it was fun! And thanks kellyjanice for having my back & not letting orez fart on my head, yr a lifesaver!
We finally got out later in the day, without orez, hit up some Hot Topic for a few things, & then got some lights & then went back to kellyjanice's. We just chilled, played on SG, Poe dyed her hair, turned out more orange than red though, but it still looked good! I shot a new SG set for Poe, it totally rocks & we hope it will get accepted. I also shot kellyjanice's application pics, that was fun too! We crashed at kellyjanice's that nite, and she so rocks & I have to give her mad props for all her help & hospitality & everything. And you too orez!!! Thanks!!!
Monday: I went out & got Poe her late bday gift, it was a new tattoo. She got it @ Skin F/X, its some good work! Its a Tori Amos lyric "Give Me Life Give Me Pain Give Me Myself Again." She loves it!!!
Poe's new chest tattoo
After that, we went back to Troy. Just chilled, took her to the bus station, but the bus was full so she didnt leave till Tuesday nite, so I got an extra day with her which was cool. Overall, it was a total blast, lots of good times & just alot of fun spending some time with Poe, but I already miss her!
But on a good note, she's gonna be moving out to Columbus ASAP. And I think I am gonna be too once I get some of my shit straigtened out. So thats totally exciting news!
We actually talked about this a ton over the weekend, so I will be able to see alot more of her in the future. I can't wait! Just the thought of us being roommates is just too much fun, I'm excited as hell already!
Here's some more pics:
Poe not wanting to leave ohio!
sad Poe!!!
Okay, I've rambled on long enough! If you made it thru this whole journal entry, I give you mad props! I need to get my ass in gear & start looking for a job & soon! But I get all depressed & shit when I'm looking & cant find any good jobs, it sucks! Does anybody know of anything in the Dayton or Columbus areas? Hit me up if ya do! Cause I'd really like to move out to Columbus as soon as I can, the sooner the better! But we'll see!
Question of the Day:
What are yr favorite city or cities that you have either never visited but want to or have visited but never lived there?
What a killer weekend, I didn't want it to end, EVER!!! I spent the whole weekend with one of my bestest friends Poe, we had such a blast doing all kinds of stuff! I was sad to see her leave on Tuesday nite, but I think I'm gonna be seeing alot more of her in the future, which is just awesome news!

me & Poe!

us again!
Friday:I went to Diamonds & just chilled & killed time, saw peachygrrl so that was cool. Just relaxed & watched naked ladies!!!
Saturday: I picked Poe up @ 1:00am on Saturday, then we drove right out to Columbus where we spent the next few days. We hooked up with shabbydo who was awesome enough to hook us up with a super nice hotel room. Thanks man!!! We got out to Columbus round 2:30am, too tired to do anything we just went to the hotel & chilled. All 3 of us just shot the shit, talked, goofed around till 6am, it was alot of fun though! We got up & checked out around 11:30am, got alittle grub, then shabbydo took us over to Gameworks & hooked both me & Poe up with gamecards so that we could play games. It was a freaking blast! We played alot of fun shit, I beat shabbydo in air hockey in a best 2 out of 3, that shit was a ton of fun! We did this awesome balloon game where you got shot up & down in the air, total blast! And I got my ass kicked in virtual fighting...and by a girl, Poe! Also, played several other games, but this place & the games was a total freaking blast, thanks again shabbydo for the mad hookup!!! Afterwards, Poe & I went to the Short North & walked around some, talked alot about how we both wanna move to Columbus. Hit up some cool places like Magnolias (I bought the new TubRing cd), also hit up The Garden as well as The Chamber, all were cool places to check out! After, went & picked up Fortysix_And_Two, ran some errands & went out to The Bowling Palace, just about everybody was there already! Lots of our awesome SG peeps came out, like kellyjanice, orez, Loe, _seven_, ghosty, urnes, pryn, the_grinch, shabbydo, it was pretty much our regular crew along with a few new peeps. We had a blast bowling, but we always do! Kermit the Frog made an apperance, and you absolutely have to check out the pics, if you were there or not, these pics are hilarious!!! I sucked at bowling, bowled a 103 & then a horrible 83, but it was still a freaking blast! Everybody seemed to have a great time, and that rocked! After bowling, went to Hounddogs for alittle bit, then went to Outland, it was only 3 of us who went so we didnt stay that long. I wanted to take Poe so she could see what this place is like, she seemed to dig it! Then, ended up crashing at orez's place, it was a super long nite & didnt get to bed till 6am, but lots of good times were had!

Sunday: We pretty much were super lazy & just chilled with orez & kellyjanice for most of the day! We all just talked, messed around on SG, had an interested conversation about SG Daje, messed around on SG, watched tv, it was fun! And thanks kellyjanice for having my back & not letting orez fart on my head, yr a lifesaver!

Monday: I went out & got Poe her late bday gift, it was a new tattoo. She got it @ Skin F/X, its some good work! Its a Tori Amos lyric "Give Me Life Give Me Pain Give Me Myself Again." She loves it!!!

Poe's new chest tattoo
After that, we went back to Troy. Just chilled, took her to the bus station, but the bus was full so she didnt leave till Tuesday nite, so I got an extra day with her which was cool. Overall, it was a total blast, lots of good times & just alot of fun spending some time with Poe, but I already miss her!

But on a good note, she's gonna be moving out to Columbus ASAP. And I think I am gonna be too once I get some of my shit straigtened out. So thats totally exciting news!

Here's some more pics:

Poe not wanting to leave ohio!

sad Poe!!!
Okay, I've rambled on long enough! If you made it thru this whole journal entry, I give you mad props! I need to get my ass in gear & start looking for a job & soon! But I get all depressed & shit when I'm looking & cant find any good jobs, it sucks! Does anybody know of anything in the Dayton or Columbus areas? Hit me up if ya do! Cause I'd really like to move out to Columbus as soon as I can, the sooner the better! But we'll see!
Question of the Day:
What are yr favorite city or cities that you have either never visited but want to or have visited but never lived there?
Anyway, e-mail me and lemme know what Ghosty said about the apts so we can get our shit togetha.
Hey, some black guy beat the shit out of Ant last night as he was walking home. for no reason. GOD, I just love Richmond.