I Feel Like Ass!!!
Damn, I can't even remember the last time I was sick, but I know for a fact its been a few years. Until now! It started Monday with a sore throat...and today it has moved on to a runny nose & some coughing. Dammit, I hate being sick, I don't have time for this shit!
I guess I'm gonna have to run to the store & get me some Dayquil / Nyquil & see if that helps, cause I don't want this damn cold getting any worse than it already is. I just hope it doesnt last long, cause I have too much shit planned in the coming weeks!!!
Everybody go to kellyjanice's journal & give her some love, she's going thru some rough times & I'm sure she can use the pick me up! Plus, she's one of the most amazing, beautiful, sweet people I've met off this site, she just doesn't deserve what she's having to go thru. You know I will always be here for ya Kelly, always!!!
Not much going on, just thought I would update since I had a whopping 85 comments already, thats alot for me!
I love that this whole month of August SG is putting up 2 sets a day...a set from a new girl as well as a regular set. That means a whopping 62 new sets in August...hell freaking yeah!!! All I gotta say about that is...Jem! *swoons*
Not much else going on really, same shit, different day pretty much! I'm sick...always tired...working too much, this shit is catching up to me, but I'll survive somehow!
Here's all the cool shit I have coming up though...hope some of you will be joining me & hanging out in the coming weeks:
Aug. 6th - possiblyLegbone @ Elbo's in Dayton
Aug. 7th - Kings Island w/ whatshisnuts
Aug. 10th - Kittie @ Al Rosa Villa in Columbus
Aug. 13th -
Aug. 14th - SG Columbus cookout / martini nite
Aug. 15th - TubRing @ Little Brothers in Columbus
Aug. 20th, 21st, 22nd - roadtrippin to Pittsburgh w/ niceguydamon to hang out w/ SG Pittsburgh peeps
Aug. 27th, 28th, 29th - roadtrippin to Michigan to see SG Tryst's band Rockbot play, hopefully make it out for SG Kira's b-day as well
Sept. 17th, 18, 19th - Pink House Party VI @ Stirfry's in Cleveland...already riding up with Annee & CutMeUp, and who knows who else
Sept. 25th - kellyjanice's b-day
Oct. 23rd - SG Hell-o-ween party
Oct. 30th - PUNK NITE
If you wanna come out to any of this stuff, hit me up as I love to have company, especially when its SG company!
Question of the Day:
Anybody you really wanna see go up during this 2 sets a day in August thing?
Damn, I can't even remember the last time I was sick, but I know for a fact its been a few years. Until now! It started Monday with a sore throat...and today it has moved on to a runny nose & some coughing. Dammit, I hate being sick, I don't have time for this shit!

Everybody go to kellyjanice's journal & give her some love, she's going thru some rough times & I'm sure she can use the pick me up! Plus, she's one of the most amazing, beautiful, sweet people I've met off this site, she just doesn't deserve what she's having to go thru. You know I will always be here for ya Kelly, always!!!

Not much going on, just thought I would update since I had a whopping 85 comments already, thats alot for me!

I love that this whole month of August SG is putting up 2 sets a day...a set from a new girl as well as a regular set. That means a whopping 62 new sets in August...hell freaking yeah!!! All I gotta say about that is...Jem! *swoons*
Not much else going on really, same shit, different day pretty much! I'm sick...always tired...working too much, this shit is catching up to me, but I'll survive somehow!
Here's all the cool shit I have coming up though...hope some of you will be joining me & hanging out in the coming weeks:
Aug. 6th - possiblyLegbone @ Elbo's in Dayton
Aug. 7th - Kings Island w/ whatshisnuts
Aug. 10th - Kittie @ Al Rosa Villa in Columbus
Aug. 13th -
Aug. 14th - SG Columbus cookout / martini nite
Aug. 15th - TubRing @ Little Brothers in Columbus
Aug. 20th, 21st, 22nd - roadtrippin to Pittsburgh w/ niceguydamon to hang out w/ SG Pittsburgh peeps
Aug. 27th, 28th, 29th - roadtrippin to Michigan to see SG Tryst's band Rockbot play, hopefully make it out for SG Kira's b-day as well
Sept. 17th, 18, 19th - Pink House Party VI @ Stirfry's in Cleveland...already riding up with Annee & CutMeUp, and who knows who else
Sept. 25th - kellyjanice's b-day
Oct. 23rd - SG Hell-o-ween party
Oct. 30th - PUNK NITE
If you wanna come out to any of this stuff, hit me up as I love to have company, especially when its SG company!

Question of the Day:
Anybody you really wanna see go up during this 2 sets a day in August thing?

you are the greatest

Id say post in the PGH group, maybe someone would let you stay at thurr place. If not, you can always find a cheap ass hotel.