It's Da Weekend!!!
So instead of going out Friday nite & seeing my buddies Legbone, I ended up falling asleep around 11pm, I guess my lack of sleep has caught up to me. But the highlight of my Friday nite was finally getting to go to a Dairy Queen here this summer (they took out the Dairy Queen in the town I reside in unfortunately
), I got a yummy hand dipped cone plus a reese peanut butter blizzard, damn that shit was good!
Also, Friday I got all the cool SG shit I ordered from the site, which included 4 shirts (2 of the old design & 2 of the new one), the SG belt buckle, the SG necklace & more stickers. I have lots of lovely mad SG merch... and I love it!!!
Today is the SG Columbus get together @ Magic Mountain off I-71 near the Polaris Pkwy exit, should be fun hangin with the SG peeps out there, it always is. And if yr coming, hit up kellyjanice's journal for all the details, time, address or anything if yr coming! I think we're meeting at 1 or 2... but I'll probly go out early to see KJ. After the get together, I'm probly gonna visit KJ at the mall & bug her & make her sell me stuff at her job, then hopefully try to catch Spiderman 2. Anybody wanting to do something later this evening / nite, gimme a call or something, I'll be around Columbus as long as I have shit to do, and would be into hanging out with anybody!
Is this weird? I type all my journal entries & whenever I start a post on the boards or groups with both capital & lower case letters, but when I comment in a group or in someone's journal, I just use lower case letters. Is that weird?
Work is super busy, but the money & overtime is killer! I'm making over double what I used to make at my old job, needless to say I'm pretty happy about that! But these 10 & 12 hour days are killing me, I'm always super tired & dont wanna do anything after work but play on my computer & sleep. But I guess its worth it in the long run. I was even asked to work today, but I told them I couldn't, I wasn't about to give up my plans for our get together! However, the 5am - 5:30pm shift I start Monday is so gonna kick my ass!!! Not looking forward to that, I just have to keep telling myself, money, money, money!!!
Questions of the Day:
Whats yr real name (SG's & anybody who doesnt wanna answer this doesnt have to) ?
How did you find out about SG & join?
Which Limbo Girl(s) are you looking forward to seeing go up on the site?
P.S. Leave me a testimonial & I'll have mad love for you!
So instead of going out Friday nite & seeing my buddies Legbone, I ended up falling asleep around 11pm, I guess my lack of sleep has caught up to me. But the highlight of my Friday nite was finally getting to go to a Dairy Queen here this summer (they took out the Dairy Queen in the town I reside in unfortunately

Also, Friday I got all the cool SG shit I ordered from the site, which included 4 shirts (2 of the old design & 2 of the new one), the SG belt buckle, the SG necklace & more stickers. I have lots of lovely mad SG merch... and I love it!!!

Today is the SG Columbus get together @ Magic Mountain off I-71 near the Polaris Pkwy exit, should be fun hangin with the SG peeps out there, it always is. And if yr coming, hit up kellyjanice's journal for all the details, time, address or anything if yr coming! I think we're meeting at 1 or 2... but I'll probly go out early to see KJ. After the get together, I'm probly gonna visit KJ at the mall & bug her & make her sell me stuff at her job, then hopefully try to catch Spiderman 2. Anybody wanting to do something later this evening / nite, gimme a call or something, I'll be around Columbus as long as I have shit to do, and would be into hanging out with anybody!

Is this weird? I type all my journal entries & whenever I start a post on the boards or groups with both capital & lower case letters, but when I comment in a group or in someone's journal, I just use lower case letters. Is that weird?
Work is super busy, but the money & overtime is killer! I'm making over double what I used to make at my old job, needless to say I'm pretty happy about that! But these 10 & 12 hour days are killing me, I'm always super tired & dont wanna do anything after work but play on my computer & sleep. But I guess its worth it in the long run. I was even asked to work today, but I told them I couldn't, I wasn't about to give up my plans for our get together! However, the 5am - 5:30pm shift I start Monday is so gonna kick my ass!!! Not looking forward to that, I just have to keep telling myself, money, money, money!!!
Questions of the Day:
Whats yr real name (SG's & anybody who doesnt wanna answer this doesnt have to) ?
How did you find out about SG & join?
Which Limbo Girl(s) are you looking forward to seeing go up on the site?
P.S. Leave me a testimonial & I'll have mad love for you!
Monday, July 19th
@ ISC skatepark
7141 west morris street
Indianapolis, IN