4th Of July weekend!
So my long 4th Of July weekend didnt end up so bad after all, which was definitely a good thing considering I was bored & didn't do jack shit on either Friday or Saturday! But I'm definitely not looking forward to going back to work butt ass early tommorrow morning!
Today: I went to Columbus & hung out with the lovely kellyjanice, we had a very nice time chilling together. I gave her some SG gifts as alittle congratulations for her new teaching job, I'm pretty sure she liked em considering her reaction when I gave them to her!
We chilled for alittle bit at her place, were joined by Ghosty for awhile, then we went & had alittle lunch with her boy Micah. Its fun seeing them together, definitely a mega cute couple! Then after a few quick stops, kellyjanice & I went to the Columbus zoo! And got a good laugh before we even went in where this car was parked basically in the middle of the road, its like can people get any more stupid? But we went to the zoo, got to see animals... elephants, bears, giraffes, zebras, manatees, fish, birds (which Kelly hates), kangaroos, snakes, monkeys, rhinos & all kinds of other cool animals! It was fun, but so super damn hott & tiring, we were exhausted when we were done walking around. But I got my zoo fixx... so I was definitely happy about that. Then, we headed back to her place, I chilled for just alittle bit, then hit the road & here I am now updating!
Sunday: I went & saw Joan Jett & The Blackhearts in Cincy, great show! She looked amazing, and I was happy to see her sporting her black hair this time around. I don't think she ever ages though, as she was rockin' out full throttle. It was a good show, heard all the songs I wanted to, definitely went home happy that I came out. I stayed alittle while longer to check out the fireworks, good times!!!
SG Columbus get together: Yes, another one is upon us, coming up Saturday July 10th, we're going to Magic Mountain... its right off I-71 on the Polaris Pkwy exit... we'll have an actual address & directions later in the week I'm sure! Its a putt putt / go-kart / arcade place, should be a good place for us to hang out! We're meeting up at around 1pm - 2pmish... so everybody come out if ya can! Unless somebody knows of a 24 hour putt putt place in or around Columbus? Let us know if ya do, but this will probly be the plan for Saturday! More details & what not will be coming within the week, so stay tuned!
Also, everybody please go say hello & welcome my friend ohiopunkgurl, she just joined, well I got her a gift account so she needs you all to show here some love, so go do that for me!
Has anybody seen Spiderman 2 yet? I'm gonna see it this week & am curious how it is, cause I loved the 1st one!
Question of the day:
When + where were you born exactly (day, month, year, time, where)???
So my long 4th Of July weekend didnt end up so bad after all, which was definitely a good thing considering I was bored & didn't do jack shit on either Friday or Saturday! But I'm definitely not looking forward to going back to work butt ass early tommorrow morning!

Today: I went to Columbus & hung out with the lovely kellyjanice, we had a very nice time chilling together. I gave her some SG gifts as alittle congratulations for her new teaching job, I'm pretty sure she liked em considering her reaction when I gave them to her!

Sunday: I went & saw Joan Jett & The Blackhearts in Cincy, great show! She looked amazing, and I was happy to see her sporting her black hair this time around. I don't think she ever ages though, as she was rockin' out full throttle. It was a good show, heard all the songs I wanted to, definitely went home happy that I came out. I stayed alittle while longer to check out the fireworks, good times!!!

SG Columbus get together: Yes, another one is upon us, coming up Saturday July 10th, we're going to Magic Mountain... its right off I-71 on the Polaris Pkwy exit... we'll have an actual address & directions later in the week I'm sure! Its a putt putt / go-kart / arcade place, should be a good place for us to hang out! We're meeting up at around 1pm - 2pmish... so everybody come out if ya can! Unless somebody knows of a 24 hour putt putt place in or around Columbus? Let us know if ya do, but this will probly be the plan for Saturday! More details & what not will be coming within the week, so stay tuned!

Also, everybody please go say hello & welcome my friend ohiopunkgurl, she just joined, well I got her a gift account so she needs you all to show here some love, so go do that for me!

Has anybody seen Spiderman 2 yet? I'm gonna see it this week & am curious how it is, cause I loved the 1st one!
Question of the day:
When + where were you born exactly (day, month, year, time, where)???
Sorry I couldn't make it out to the legbone show tonight, but I knew working 8 hours tomorrow would kill me if I went out after not sleeping last night
We'll see a movie next week (spiderman2 perhaps?)
And the campout next weekend!
And it's cool if you want to go to King's Island. I believe it is still set for Saturday Aug.7. I'll let you know ASAP. They usually get a great discount so I'll have dad pic up a tic for ya as the days get closer for it.