SG Cedar Point + Pink House Party IV
What a weekend! I had such a great time out in Cleveland this weekend, it was almost a bit overwhelming even! But it was still a fucking blast! Big props go out to our fearless SGOhio leader MistressMissy & of course also to Stirfry + Gemini for hosting PHPIV! A recap & some pictures are below...
We were here all weekend:
Stirfry's pink house
cedar point baby!!!
Friday: I made the trek out to Cleveland on Friday nite with my SG buddies vectrexxx + whatshisnuts, made it out to the pink house sometime after 10 & were the 2nd people to get there as Micah had just got there! And just minutes after we got there, we were all surprised to see destro show up. Soon after that, everybody starting rolling in & alcohol consumption began! Lots of people showed up including: Kira, veganpunk, oninotaki, ratbug, doctashock, kittie, babygirl, Daddy X, 1Lunatic, DriveLikeJehu, Ghoulish, Fleur & her friend Andrea & several others I'm sure I can't remember! It was alot of people!!! Everybody just chilled & socialized Friday while consuming mass quantities of alcohol, always an occurence at a pink house party! It was fun seeing so many SG people having a good time! And it was a blast watching Fleur & Andrea play dance dance revolution, it was too awesome!!! MistressMissy gave us our SGCP nametags... and mine said SGCP Veteran since I had been at the 1st SGCP event! I was 1 of only 5 people that were returning from last year, so yes I felt special! It ended up being way late once everybody crashed out! Saturday: It sucked getting up way early & everybody was slow as hell getting up, I expected that! But everybody got their shit together & we all hit the road for CP... I think it was a total of 6 cars. WOW!!! I felt like shit cause of a horrible migraine headache I had, but it went away later on. I think we got to CP around 10am... and there was already a handful of SG people there. I finally met the lovely Red Violet, she's a cutie! And I'm not gonna mention names cause there were just too many people & I know I'll forget names, but it was almost 45 SG people who made it out. How awesome is that? Our lil group hit the Raptor 1st, nice way to start off the day. Then, headed back to the picnic area for lunch & some group pictures, and what a HUGE group it was! Afterwards, several groups went on their way, I ended up going with Destro + Ghoulish & we hit up the Mantis, definitely a ball buster ride as our balls were hurting after that one! I think after that we caught up with one of the groups & we headed over to the Corkscrew, which we ended up riding twice cause the line was so short! Then, some of us went to chill at the beer garden cause we were getting tired, and it seemed just about everybody joined us at least for awhile. Then, we did the SG bumper cars where we had I think 22 people in our group, we took over the bumper cars & this was a total blast & highlight of the day for me! And then a big group of us headed for the Top Thrill Dragster, but it was broke down. We came back alittle while later & they were letting people in so we got in line. It broke down again while we were in line & we were NOT about to leave since we had been in line for so long. So we waited it out, and got to ride it. It was one of the BEST rides I've ever been on... any ride that goes from 0 to 120mph in 3 or 4 seconds I guess will do that to ya. I still can't believe I went on it though, as this ride even looks scary.
Here it is:
top thrill dragster
After that, we went back to the picnic area & met up with everybody & all headed back to the pink house. More partying, more drinking, people crashing just about everywhere ended the long day we all had with barely any sleep. Still good times though! Sunday: Most people said their goodbyes & hit the road for home, we left around 130 & it ended one long ass, tiresome, kick ass weekend. I fucking love these SG events!!!
Here are pictures from CP weekend:
the gang!!!
gemini + doctashock w/ the SG banner
oninotaki...pickle king!
Kira + Fleur
dance dance revolution!!!
1lunatic doctashock kittie oninotaki ratbug + whatshisnuts
oninotaki + 1lunatic + doctashock + kittie
oninotake, ratbug + drivelikejehu
kittie + vectrexxx
Question of the Day:
Whats your favorite amusement park and / or ride you've been on?
Next: Suicide Girls Burlesque in Detroit on Saturday June 26th!!!
What a weekend! I had such a great time out in Cleveland this weekend, it was almost a bit overwhelming even! But it was still a fucking blast! Big props go out to our fearless SGOhio leader MistressMissy & of course also to Stirfry + Gemini for hosting PHPIV! A recap & some pictures are below...
We were here all weekend:

Stirfry's pink house

cedar point baby!!!
Friday: I made the trek out to Cleveland on Friday nite with my SG buddies vectrexxx + whatshisnuts, made it out to the pink house sometime after 10 & were the 2nd people to get there as Micah had just got there! And just minutes after we got there, we were all surprised to see destro show up. Soon after that, everybody starting rolling in & alcohol consumption began! Lots of people showed up including: Kira, veganpunk, oninotaki, ratbug, doctashock, kittie, babygirl, Daddy X, 1Lunatic, DriveLikeJehu, Ghoulish, Fleur & her friend Andrea & several others I'm sure I can't remember! It was alot of people!!! Everybody just chilled & socialized Friday while consuming mass quantities of alcohol, always an occurence at a pink house party! It was fun seeing so many SG people having a good time! And it was a blast watching Fleur & Andrea play dance dance revolution, it was too awesome!!! MistressMissy gave us our SGCP nametags... and mine said SGCP Veteran since I had been at the 1st SGCP event! I was 1 of only 5 people that were returning from last year, so yes I felt special! It ended up being way late once everybody crashed out! Saturday: It sucked getting up way early & everybody was slow as hell getting up, I expected that! But everybody got their shit together & we all hit the road for CP... I think it was a total of 6 cars. WOW!!! I felt like shit cause of a horrible migraine headache I had, but it went away later on. I think we got to CP around 10am... and there was already a handful of SG people there. I finally met the lovely Red Violet, she's a cutie! And I'm not gonna mention names cause there were just too many people & I know I'll forget names, but it was almost 45 SG people who made it out. How awesome is that? Our lil group hit the Raptor 1st, nice way to start off the day. Then, headed back to the picnic area for lunch & some group pictures, and what a HUGE group it was! Afterwards, several groups went on their way, I ended up going with Destro + Ghoulish & we hit up the Mantis, definitely a ball buster ride as our balls were hurting after that one! I think after that we caught up with one of the groups & we headed over to the Corkscrew, which we ended up riding twice cause the line was so short! Then, some of us went to chill at the beer garden cause we were getting tired, and it seemed just about everybody joined us at least for awhile. Then, we did the SG bumper cars where we had I think 22 people in our group, we took over the bumper cars & this was a total blast & highlight of the day for me! And then a big group of us headed for the Top Thrill Dragster, but it was broke down. We came back alittle while later & they were letting people in so we got in line. It broke down again while we were in line & we were NOT about to leave since we had been in line for so long. So we waited it out, and got to ride it. It was one of the BEST rides I've ever been on... any ride that goes from 0 to 120mph in 3 or 4 seconds I guess will do that to ya. I still can't believe I went on it though, as this ride even looks scary.
Here it is:

top thrill dragster
After that, we went back to the picnic area & met up with everybody & all headed back to the pink house. More partying, more drinking, people crashing just about everywhere ended the long day we all had with barely any sleep. Still good times though! Sunday: Most people said their goodbyes & hit the road for home, we left around 130 & it ended one long ass, tiresome, kick ass weekend. I fucking love these SG events!!!
Here are pictures from CP weekend:

the gang!!!

gemini + doctashock w/ the SG banner

oninotaki...pickle king!

Kira + Fleur

dance dance revolution!!!

1lunatic doctashock kittie oninotaki ratbug + whatshisnuts

oninotaki + 1lunatic + doctashock + kittie

oninotake, ratbug + drivelikejehu

kittie + vectrexxx
Question of the Day:
Whats your favorite amusement park and / or ride you've been on?
Next: Suicide Girls Burlesque in Detroit on Saturday June 26th!!!
did you mail out my soundtrack?
remember to tell stormy that i want her it.