PUNK NITE or bust... who's coming???
Details! Details!! Details!!! Here they are!!! Most of these details are for Saturday's PUNK NITE show in Troy on the 27th. However, I will also be attending the show on the 26th out at the Melody Inn in Indianapolis as well. Both are gonna be great shows so come out & show some support. I will be in attendance at both these shows with SG Tryst, & I also cant forget to mention that SG Texas's band The VeXed are playing both these shows. The VeXed have also added another show in Indy on Sunday March 28th @ The Champa... hit me up for more details on that one!
Details for Friday March 26th!!!
*I will pick up SG Tryst in Dayton early on Friday. We're gonna hang out in Troy for most of the day, then head to Indy sometime in the afternoon / evening to hang out with CelticBootGirl. Then, we're all headed to the Melody Inn in Indianapolis to check out the punk rawk show. I believe it starts around 10pm & is a 21+ show! We're gonna hang out w/ SG Texas & her bandmates & of course check out the show, should be a good time & I look forward to it. Then, driving back to Troy with Tryst & CelticBootGirl to get in as much sleep as we can before the big nite!
Details for PUNK NITE March 27th!!!
*Preshow get together will happen around 5:30pm-6pmish... we will meet at Super 8 motel in Troy... right off exit 73 (Troy Rt. 55 / West Milton exit)... look for my green Honda Civic in the parking lot. Its right off the interstate so its simple to find!!! Then I will probably get 2 rooms (1 room for The VeXed & one room for me & my peeps) for later that nite & to hang out & drink... the rest of the SG peeps who decide to stay can get more rooms that nite after the show. Its the cheapest ($35 I think) place I found & right off the interstate so it should be convenient for everybody! And please note, everybody who wants to drink after the show, I advise to buy alcohol before you go to the show as everything will be closed by then. There is actually a Kroger within a minute of this Super 8 that we're staying at that I plan on hitting up to get some alcohol once some of us SG peeps show up. Or if you want me to just buy ya some stuff & pay me back when ya see me, I can do that too, just lemme know what you need me to get. So once some SG peeps show up for the pre show get together, we'll probably hit up the store for some alcohol, come back to the rooms I'll have & hang out... and possibly even go out & get something to eat if people are hungry. I'll need to be at the club by 7:30-8ish... so I'll hang out till then.
*Then the show of course... get there early if you want a good spot, its gonna be packed! Look for me... I'll be the guy running the PUNK NITE merch... so just look for the guy selling shirts, stickers, pins of the logo you see here on my profile. That will be me!!!
Here are directions for those who won't be able to make the pre show thingy:
*75N or S to exit 74 (Troy,Covington)
*Turn left off exit if yr coming via 75S... right if yr coming via 75N
*Follow Rt. 41 / Main Street for about a mile... pass thru a bunch of lights & fast food places
*Once you pass the library on the left (big brown building), turn left here on Oxford Street
*Then at the stop sign, turn right onto Water Street
*Go about a block or 2... The Brewery will be up on yr left, almost right across from the Courthouse (its a yellowish / white building & it says The Brewery)
*111 W. Water Street, Troy,OH (937) 339-8595... and the show will be happening upstairs!!!
After the show, we'll all gather up, & head to the motel for some more hanging out & partying. So gimme a shout out if yr coming. Already coming so far are: Texas, Tryst, Doctashock, CelticBootGirl, KellyJanice, Vectrexxx, Punkrockjuliette, Destro, Avalon & myself & anybody else who cares to join us. Looking forward to meeting some of ya for the 1st time, and hanging out with some of ya who I've met before. I'm super excited for this, hope you all are too!
And if ya need to get in touch with me, email me here on SG & I will email you my cell #!!!
Otherwise, I will see everybody either at the pre show or at the show. Thanks everybody here for helping make this one kick ass event, you guys make me proud to be part of SG!
One more time:
-Favorite cereal?
-Favorite magazine?
-Favorite current band?
Details! Details!! Details!!! Here they are!!! Most of these details are for Saturday's PUNK NITE show in Troy on the 27th. However, I will also be attending the show on the 26th out at the Melody Inn in Indianapolis as well. Both are gonna be great shows so come out & show some support. I will be in attendance at both these shows with SG Tryst, & I also cant forget to mention that SG Texas's band The VeXed are playing both these shows. The VeXed have also added another show in Indy on Sunday March 28th @ The Champa... hit me up for more details on that one!
Details for Friday March 26th!!!
*I will pick up SG Tryst in Dayton early on Friday. We're gonna hang out in Troy for most of the day, then head to Indy sometime in the afternoon / evening to hang out with CelticBootGirl. Then, we're all headed to the Melody Inn in Indianapolis to check out the punk rawk show. I believe it starts around 10pm & is a 21+ show! We're gonna hang out w/ SG Texas & her bandmates & of course check out the show, should be a good time & I look forward to it. Then, driving back to Troy with Tryst & CelticBootGirl to get in as much sleep as we can before the big nite!
Details for PUNK NITE March 27th!!!
*Preshow get together will happen around 5:30pm-6pmish... we will meet at Super 8 motel in Troy... right off exit 73 (Troy Rt. 55 / West Milton exit)... look for my green Honda Civic in the parking lot. Its right off the interstate so its simple to find!!! Then I will probably get 2 rooms (1 room for The VeXed & one room for me & my peeps) for later that nite & to hang out & drink... the rest of the SG peeps who decide to stay can get more rooms that nite after the show. Its the cheapest ($35 I think) place I found & right off the interstate so it should be convenient for everybody! And please note, everybody who wants to drink after the show, I advise to buy alcohol before you go to the show as everything will be closed by then. There is actually a Kroger within a minute of this Super 8 that we're staying at that I plan on hitting up to get some alcohol once some of us SG peeps show up. Or if you want me to just buy ya some stuff & pay me back when ya see me, I can do that too, just lemme know what you need me to get. So once some SG peeps show up for the pre show get together, we'll probably hit up the store for some alcohol, come back to the rooms I'll have & hang out... and possibly even go out & get something to eat if people are hungry. I'll need to be at the club by 7:30-8ish... so I'll hang out till then.
*Then the show of course... get there early if you want a good spot, its gonna be packed! Look for me... I'll be the guy running the PUNK NITE merch... so just look for the guy selling shirts, stickers, pins of the logo you see here on my profile. That will be me!!!
Here are directions for those who won't be able to make the pre show thingy:
*75N or S to exit 74 (Troy,Covington)
*Turn left off exit if yr coming via 75S... right if yr coming via 75N
*Follow Rt. 41 / Main Street for about a mile... pass thru a bunch of lights & fast food places
*Once you pass the library on the left (big brown building), turn left here on Oxford Street
*Then at the stop sign, turn right onto Water Street
*Go about a block or 2... The Brewery will be up on yr left, almost right across from the Courthouse (its a yellowish / white building & it says The Brewery)
*111 W. Water Street, Troy,OH (937) 339-8595... and the show will be happening upstairs!!!
After the show, we'll all gather up, & head to the motel for some more hanging out & partying. So gimme a shout out if yr coming. Already coming so far are: Texas, Tryst, Doctashock, CelticBootGirl, KellyJanice, Vectrexxx, Punkrockjuliette, Destro, Avalon & myself & anybody else who cares to join us. Looking forward to meeting some of ya for the 1st time, and hanging out with some of ya who I've met before. I'm super excited for this, hope you all are too!
And if ya need to get in touch with me, email me here on SG & I will email you my cell #!!!
Otherwise, I will see everybody either at the pre show or at the show. Thanks everybody here for helping make this one kick ass event, you guys make me proud to be part of SG!
One more time:

-Favorite cereal?
-Favorite magazine?
-Favorite current band?
good I hope
sorry i didnt make it
parties and stuff arrived here
and friends from outta town
ill hit the next one