I hope to see some of ya this Saturday in Dayton for PUNK NITE II @ Jags. Looking forward to hanging with kellyjanice & her boy Micahticus, pixiehead, dcdsweetheart, & of course the rockin' doctashock. And of course anybody else wanting to join us, come on out. This show is like the warmup to the big PUNK NITE 5 show on March 27th, both are gonna rock though. See ya there!
Directions to Jags:
-75 North or South to 35East
-35East to Smithville Rd. exit
-Turn right off exit
-Follow Smithville till Wayne Ave.
-Turn right onto Wayne Ave.
-Follow Wayne Ave. till Wilmington Pike
-Turn left on Wilmington Pike
-Jags is the 1st building you will see on yr right after you make this left hand turn, look for the while marquee out front next to the front door
-1227 Wilmington Pike
-Are you punk rawk or not?
-Give one word to describe yr opinion of punk rock!
-3 most influential punk rawk bands?
Directions to Jags:
-75 North or South to 35East
-35East to Smithville Rd. exit
-Turn right off exit
-Follow Smithville till Wayne Ave.
-Turn right onto Wayne Ave.
-Follow Wayne Ave. till Wilmington Pike
-Turn left on Wilmington Pike
-Jags is the 1st building you will see on yr right after you make this left hand turn, look for the while marquee out front next to the front door
-1227 Wilmington Pike

-Are you punk rawk or not?
-Give one word to describe yr opinion of punk rock!
-3 most influential punk rawk bands?
to you!!

sorry about this weekend micah's aunt is really sick and getting worse and we went to new york to see her... i asked micah to write you and tell you before we left and he thought that he did... turns out that he wrote on my page instead of your accidently... so sorry that you didn't know why we weren't there until now... hope it all went great and sorry again that we missed it we will make the other show i promise