Good Times Fer Sure!!!
So the 1st Punk Nite Dayton show happened last nite @ Jags in Dayton. It went okay... considering we got hit with an ice storm for most of the day so that definitely affected the turnout. Overall, it was pretty much what I expected! A late start... some PA trouble... but these things happen so it wasn't a big deal. Everything ended up good for the most part. I think these shows will get better once the weather is more manageable for people. We'll see come March 6th as that will be my next one! All the bands that played last nite... Robbie Ramone, F.B.S. (who I will now be booking for in the future), The Stretchers, The Give-Ups, & Legbone rocked it out!!! Good sets from everybody... and a rockin good time was had! It was really cool seeing lots of friends out there... especially doctashock for coming all the way from Toledo. ! So I'm definitely looking to make this a semi regular thing for the Dayton area... time will tell I guess. Good times for sure though!!!
It seems like I'm getting more & more stuff on my plate for this year already, and I dont mind. Looks as though its gonna be a VERY busy year for me, and I'm looking forward to that. So I'm gonna be trying to help out my good buddies Legbone out in trying to get them some kinda label that will release their new record. Its all recorded, they just want a label that will help to release it, and hopefully help distribute it as well, which will help them out financially. So if anybody knows of any cool indie / punk labels that might be interested, shoot me a message. They are a skate punk rock band from Dayton, Ohio if you are interested in checking them out. Legbone is their website so check them out! I got some cool promo photos & bios from Legbone so I'm gonna hit up some of the cooler indie punk labels I know of & see what happens. Other stuff that will be up is I'm gonna be doing some booking for the oi / street punk band F.B.S. in which I'll be getting paid for as well. I'm gonna be booking them alittle tour for April here very soon. And of course I'll be doing my Punk Nite shows in Troy... as well as my Punk Nite Dayton shows to go along with those now! And my big project of 2004 is gonna be to get some Punk Nite merch out there... probly just t-shirts & pins to start out with... and hopefully a Punk Nite comp. to come out before years end. Who knows though? And of course trying to help put together this SG Music Comp as well. And go to my usual shows too. And this is all on top of working my full time job. Damn, just typing all that makes it sure sound like alot! Its good though... all good!
Upcoming shows:
-Jan. 23rd Legbone @ Club Illusions Piqua,OH
-Jan. 24th Legbone @ Melody Inn Indy,IN
-Jan. 31st Legbone @ The Brewery Troy,OH
Hopefully next weekend I'll get to see & hang out with my dear sweet friend
pixiehead, so that will rock!
Everything is going good though!
-Who's the most famous celebrity / rock star you've ever met
-What's yr current favorite dvd / movie?
-What's the 1st thing you notice in the opposite sex?
So the 1st Punk Nite Dayton show happened last nite @ Jags in Dayton. It went okay... considering we got hit with an ice storm for most of the day so that definitely affected the turnout. Overall, it was pretty much what I expected! A late start... some PA trouble... but these things happen so it wasn't a big deal. Everything ended up good for the most part. I think these shows will get better once the weather is more manageable for people. We'll see come March 6th as that will be my next one! All the bands that played last nite... Robbie Ramone, F.B.S. (who I will now be booking for in the future), The Stretchers, The Give-Ups, & Legbone rocked it out!!! Good sets from everybody... and a rockin good time was had! It was really cool seeing lots of friends out there... especially doctashock for coming all the way from Toledo. ! So I'm definitely looking to make this a semi regular thing for the Dayton area... time will tell I guess. Good times for sure though!!!
It seems like I'm getting more & more stuff on my plate for this year already, and I dont mind. Looks as though its gonna be a VERY busy year for me, and I'm looking forward to that. So I'm gonna be trying to help out my good buddies Legbone out in trying to get them some kinda label that will release their new record. Its all recorded, they just want a label that will help to release it, and hopefully help distribute it as well, which will help them out financially. So if anybody knows of any cool indie / punk labels that might be interested, shoot me a message. They are a skate punk rock band from Dayton, Ohio if you are interested in checking them out. Legbone is their website so check them out! I got some cool promo photos & bios from Legbone so I'm gonna hit up some of the cooler indie punk labels I know of & see what happens. Other stuff that will be up is I'm gonna be doing some booking for the oi / street punk band F.B.S. in which I'll be getting paid for as well. I'm gonna be booking them alittle tour for April here very soon. And of course I'll be doing my Punk Nite shows in Troy... as well as my Punk Nite Dayton shows to go along with those now! And my big project of 2004 is gonna be to get some Punk Nite merch out there... probly just t-shirts & pins to start out with... and hopefully a Punk Nite comp. to come out before years end. Who knows though? And of course trying to help put together this SG Music Comp as well. And go to my usual shows too. And this is all on top of working my full time job. Damn, just typing all that makes it sure sound like alot! Its good though... all good!
Upcoming shows:
-Jan. 23rd Legbone @ Club Illusions Piqua,OH
-Jan. 24th Legbone @ Melody Inn Indy,IN
-Jan. 31st Legbone @ The Brewery Troy,OH
Hopefully next weekend I'll get to see & hang out with my dear sweet friend
pixiehead, so that will rock!
Everything is going good though!

-Who's the most famous celebrity / rock star you've ever met
-What's yr current favorite dvd / movie?
-What's the 1st thing you notice in the opposite sex?
and headliner opeth!