what a day, what a fuckin day!!!!!
on top of being upset that my husband is leaving for god knows how long. some fuckin white trash tweeker came and stole our motorcycle off our trailer last night.
that shit pisses me off so much i dont know what im going to do! we work really really hard for the things we have, we take pride in being able to buy stuff like that and stupid people like that want to come in and violate us by taking stuff we charish.
so we decide to go out the the dirt where we ride and hoping the idiot would be out there, then what happens we hit a dip really hard and fucked up our truck. what else could happen right? well it ended up costing us a buttload of money to fix it.
how come this shit happens to us??? i just dont understand it.
3 DAYS!!!
that shit pisses me off so much i dont know what im going to do! we work really really hard for the things we have, we take pride in being able to buy stuff like that and stupid people like that want to come in and violate us by taking stuff we charish.
so we decide to go out the the dirt where we ride and hoping the idiot would be out there, then what happens we hit a dip really hard and fucked up our truck. what else could happen right? well it ended up costing us a buttload of money to fix it.
how come this shit happens to us??? i just dont understand it.
3 DAYS!!!
So sorry to hear about someone stealing your bike. I can sympathize. It's not easy to acquire these things in life, and why do we have to live amongst such blazing assholes?
I love Seattle. Visit the Funhouse, near the needle. Lovely place! Its a great city and Vancouver is not far.