Hello all this is the first blog so i guess its a good place to do a who the fuck am i post so are you sitting comfortably? then lest begin.
I am Adam aka Punkmunkyuk in the real world i also answer to Biggs, Bigsey and on occasions Biggles, which my lovely friends derived from my last name. I was born in the 80's which was a cracking decade.
Musically im an open book listening to bands such as NOFX, Bad religion to anything metal and dragging through the music my parents listened to when i was a lil nipper like the kinks, alice cooper and ELO to name a few.
Im a big gamer and i'll pretty much play anything, i play Ps3, Xbox and im also on steam, currently playing rage and borderlands 2.
I study at the University of Derby in Derbyshire England and live just out of the city centre with 3 friends and a random bloke although im originally from Oxford in the middle of England - (ish.)
While at university i am studying a BA (hons) Degree in Computer games modelling and animation and i am in my 3rd and final year, well final semester now.
As a result of the above you can guess that i am indeed big in to art, below is a couple of digital images i have made plus a 3D game asset, a variation of Wars choaseater sword from the original darksidrs.

I dabbled in photography years ago but only really do it now to gather reference images, i would rule out taking up the camera properly again but it would have to only be for fun this time.
Anyway hope this tells you something about me, feel free to ask if you think if missed something
I am Adam aka Punkmunkyuk in the real world i also answer to Biggs, Bigsey and on occasions Biggles, which my lovely friends derived from my last name. I was born in the 80's which was a cracking decade.
Musically im an open book listening to bands such as NOFX, Bad religion to anything metal and dragging through the music my parents listened to when i was a lil nipper like the kinks, alice cooper and ELO to name a few.
Im a big gamer and i'll pretty much play anything, i play Ps3, Xbox and im also on steam, currently playing rage and borderlands 2.
I study at the University of Derby in Derbyshire England and live just out of the city centre with 3 friends and a random bloke although im originally from Oxford in the middle of England - (ish.)
While at university i am studying a BA (hons) Degree in Computer games modelling and animation and i am in my 3rd and final year, well final semester now.
As a result of the above you can guess that i am indeed big in to art, below is a couple of digital images i have made plus a 3D game asset, a variation of Wars choaseater sword from the original darksidrs.

I dabbled in photography years ago but only really do it now to gather reference images, i would rule out taking up the camera properly again but it would have to only be for fun this time.
Anyway hope this tells you something about me, feel free to ask if you think if missed something