this video is powerful and emotional and yet it is very very good
Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one.
If you like Dubstep, electro music then this will be pretty impressive to you
Your message made me smile! I'm glad you're finding it easier now to find the motivation
! Hahaha yeah, I have that dream too (pool + woman that looks good in a bikini) ... I'm not being very motivated at all - yesterday I had half of a 50 cm pizza and copious amounts of beer
I'm thinking the 'get fit/look better' challenge awaits me in Blighty - now there's a happy thought
Once I'm back we could maybe somehow help motivate each other? 

I was thinking more along the lines of long distance motivation - Oxford is waaay to far to travel for a gym session or a morning run .... OMG bringing the laptop out whilst sunbathing WAS NOT a good idea hahaha jeeebus 35 C they said :o ... Something Im ultra bad at is the warm ups n warm downs after exercise which is why Im usually in pain the next day *stupidome*
so i join twitch today, had a few teething problems streaming my game time, if you want to take a look try here My gamez
skip about 13 mins in to the video, for some reason i had no game video coming through before, just sound and oddly the curser :/
skip about 13 mins in to the video, for some reason i had no game video coming through before, just sound and oddly the curser :/
Haven't updated in ages, mainly because life is not so much fun right now, my nan died two weeks ago after a period of prolonged illness and tomorrow i say good bye.
It's been tough and i see tomorrow being tougher
It's been tough and i see tomorrow being tougher
Smurf_Ass hey! yeah, I'm a lot better now, I really need to do something interesting to blog about.
Thank you for your nice message
Thank you for your nice message
Ah hey yeah I don't get a notif when you answer back on the blog :| I've been told that you shouldn't answer back on the blogs as people don't see them so to inbox them haha!

So with my university having another games development department open day expo in the next few weeks, i thought I would share the game trailer that my team made in just 8 weeks.
Please do not comment on the following youtube channel as it is not my channel but another member of the teams.
I worked as an environment/prop artist on the project and it...
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Please do not comment on the following youtube channel as it is not my channel but another member of the teams.
I worked as an environment/prop artist on the project and it...
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Hello all this is the first blog so i guess its a good place to do a who the fuck am i post so are you sitting comfortably? then lest begin.
I am Adam aka Punkmunkyuk in the real world i also answer to Biggs, Bigsey and on occasions Biggles, which my lovely friends derived from my last name. I was born in the 80's...
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I am Adam aka Punkmunkyuk in the real world i also answer to Biggs, Bigsey and on occasions Biggles, which my lovely friends derived from my last name. I was born in the 80's...
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