Hey SG friends and neighbors,
I hope this finds you well and good and enjoying your summer.
Now married, now working 60+ hours a week, now writing and editing a few different projects, I am forced to seriously curtail my SG time. Which is a shame - I miss my friends and acquaintances here, I miss spending hours reading journals and group posts, I miss...
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I hope this finds you well and good and enjoying your summer.
Now married, now working 60+ hours a week, now writing and editing a few different projects, I am forced to seriously curtail my SG time. Which is a shame - I miss my friends and acquaintances here, I miss spending hours reading journals and group posts, I miss...
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Hey all. Are you like me? Are you semi-obsessed with Deadliest Warrior on Spike TV?
Lets just assume yes. So you think a lot about what match-ups they should feature in Season 2.
They still havent gotten around to asking me what I think. This will not stop me from posting my choices here.
Pimps Versus Dominatrixs
School Crossing Guards Versus Lunch Ladies
Schoolyard Bullies...
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Lets just assume yes. So you think a lot about what match-ups they should feature in Season 2.
They still havent gotten around to asking me what I think. This will not stop me from posting my choices here.
Pimps Versus Dominatrixs
School Crossing Guards Versus Lunch Ladies
Schoolyard Bullies...
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Thanks for the kind words! Happy birthday, and hope you are well!

i have not seen that show. i'm going to have to check it out. my summer obsession was bully beatdown. so addicting.
What are you reading?
hey SG friends,
I hope this finds you well and good.
I declare my long, self-involved shit train of a funk to be over. I am okay, I am well, I am happy.
How are you?
Outwardly things have not changed very much. I am still unemployed, still looking for work, still struggling to get my new thing published. I'm just done feeling bad about...
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I hope this finds you well and good.
I declare my long, self-involved shit train of a funk to be over. I am okay, I am well, I am happy.
How are you?
Outwardly things have not changed very much. I am still unemployed, still looking for work, still struggling to get my new thing published. I'm just done feeling bad about...
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Greetings SG friends and Neighbors,
Know why I haven't blogged much lately? its because I am totally ashamed of this dark place I have been in.
Me, the would-be Taoist Master of SGland, can simply not get his head out of his own ass.
Anyway I will not judge or be angry with myself - I can do that much. I try to start each...
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Know why I haven't blogged much lately? its because I am totally ashamed of this dark place I have been in.
Me, the would-be Taoist Master of SGland, can simply not get his head out of his own ass.
Anyway I will not judge or be angry with myself - I can do that much. I try to start each...
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i am thinking so!
Awh, thank you *
Worst birthday ever??
I'm sick - I've got a nasty UTI that keeps me up night and day feeling like I need to pee. Of course i lost my insurance when I lost my job, so I have been trying to get better on my own with a two gallon a day cranberry juice and water remedy but no dice - it gets a little...
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I'm sick - I've got a nasty UTI that keeps me up night and day feeling like I need to pee. Of course i lost my insurance when I lost my job, so I have been trying to get better on my own with a two gallon a day cranberry juice and water remedy but no dice - it gets a little...
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Hey all,
I hope this finds you well and good.
So I'm unemployed - just got laid off by my day job of three years. This is a terrible event that is happening more and more to working folks in this country but I choose to see the silver lining: I do have more time to devote to SG. So theres that.
Writing is going...
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I hope this finds you well and good.
So I'm unemployed - just got laid off by my day job of three years. This is a terrible event that is happening more and more to working folks in this country but I choose to see the silver lining: I do have more time to devote to SG. So theres that.
Writing is going...
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Sorry to hear about the lousy news. HOwever, I'm sure you'll be able to pull off something cool here from it.
Hang in there, man.
Hang in there, man.
Check this out
be well,
yeah, I kinda figured that 4th was fairly locked down. I am excited and scared at the prospect of it.
[YOUTUBE]<embed src="http://www.quickstopentertainmentmedia.com/zackandmiri/flash-video-player/flvplayer.swf" width="480" height="272" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=272&width=480&file=http://www.quickstopentertainmentmedia.com/zackandmiri/merkin.flv&image=http://www.quickstopentertainmentmedia.com/zackandmiri/zmt.jpg&overstretch=none" />[/YOUTUBE]
<embed src="http://www.quickstopentertainmentmedia.com/zackandmiri/flash-video-player/flvplayer.swf" width="480" height="272" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=272&width=480&file=http://www.quickstopentertainmentmedia.com/zackandmiri/merkin.flv&image=http://www.quickstopentertainmentmedia.com/zackandmiri/zmt.jpg&overstretch=none" />
Check this out!
be well,
Check this out!
be well,