Hello SG friends and neigbors,
I hope this finds you well and good and enjoying the tail end of the summer. I most certainly am.
Summer 05 in Athens: hot, transitory, revolutionary, wearying, enlightening, invigorating,
How setteled am I in Athens? Well, i just got my mother frigging internet hooked up - hows that for setteled? The technician had to come out twice (lets just say that all Cable companies are not created equally), but it happened and I am officially back.
Okay, I probably won't be on as often as ever but thats life right now.
My girl (!) has now been in the house for nine days. Its pretty frickin blissful so far. Every day - hell, every couple of minutes - another reminder of just how fortunate I am pops up in front of me like a video game power up! DZZZZZOING! There it is, crackling neon flasihing "YOU LUCKED THE FUCK OUT!"
Its the truth. (!) says she feels the same way and I guess this is just what itts like when you finally get there.
One major point of stress. Her dog, whom I will refer to in this forum as The Fucking Dustmop. Okay, were all SG buddies here, right? The Fucking Dustmop is an occasionally sweet, generally OCD-driven, neurotic wreck of a dog. Im cutting it much slack because its having to transiition to a new house but Fuck!
The first three days it could come beg for attention whenever we had sex. One night it took its squeeky toy and urgently squeeked it for the entire duration -- you want a bucket of cold water to throw over a mood some day? Try squeeky mailman. Oh, and it bit me and went after some neigbor kids. Seriously, its on my fucking nerves.
On the other hand it handles a leash well and dosent shit in the house. You take the bad with the good but JeeZuz its stressing me.
Work is fine, family is fine.
I love my new place. In lots of ways its the nicest place I every llived in. Its certainly the most conviently arranged. Once again, we lucked the fuck out.
Oh, and remember my old place in Mtown? Well a third tenant just moved into the extra room making it actually profitable. Lucked the fuck out!
KNow who I wish would come back? NinjaGirl. I hope she is doing well.
Cousin of (!) is here for the weekend. He was dumped about three weeks ago and is absolutely besides himself. My opinion is that he was always a bit of a co-dependant drama queen, and now he actually has something to cry over. Hes in his twenties but is taking it like a high schooler - moping, sighing replies to questions, obsessing. At some point last week he took a blade and made tiny little cuts all over his body - not life threatining, but quite a conversation starter. I feel bad for the brother but . . . while he has a genuine problem its not relationships but how he handles himself. Hes getting professional help, so thats good.
Well, thats probably enough. Take it light, be well and if you do remmeber me I hope you do so fondly.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: If you are compassionet, you will sometimes be burdened intolerablely with the problems of others. Be compassioned anyony and redouble your efforts when you are so burdened.
Cat Report: Its too sad to even discuss this time. But I will say that while you may prefer a dog for hunting and fishing, cats rule as house pets. Prove me wrong, The Fucking Dustmop!
Factoid: My neigbors, Mr and Ms Neigbors, are getting married this week. She is six months pregnant so I am taking up a collecttion at work for a gift cirtificate from the babby store as a present.
Currently digging: The Slackers, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, brocolli sprouts, Sleater-Kinney, Red Dwarf, Dr Brown's Black Cherry Soday, (!)
I hope this finds you well and good and enjoying the tail end of the summer. I most certainly am.
Summer 05 in Athens: hot, transitory, revolutionary, wearying, enlightening, invigorating,
How setteled am I in Athens? Well, i just got my mother frigging internet hooked up - hows that for setteled? The technician had to come out twice (lets just say that all Cable companies are not created equally), but it happened and I am officially back.
Okay, I probably won't be on as often as ever but thats life right now.
My girl (!) has now been in the house for nine days. Its pretty frickin blissful so far. Every day - hell, every couple of minutes - another reminder of just how fortunate I am pops up in front of me like a video game power up! DZZZZZOING! There it is, crackling neon flasihing "YOU LUCKED THE FUCK OUT!"
Its the truth. (!) says she feels the same way and I guess this is just what itts like when you finally get there.
One major point of stress. Her dog, whom I will refer to in this forum as The Fucking Dustmop. Okay, were all SG buddies here, right? The Fucking Dustmop is an occasionally sweet, generally OCD-driven, neurotic wreck of a dog. Im cutting it much slack because its having to transiition to a new house but Fuck!
The first three days it could come beg for attention whenever we had sex. One night it took its squeeky toy and urgently squeeked it for the entire duration -- you want a bucket of cold water to throw over a mood some day? Try squeeky mailman. Oh, and it bit me and went after some neigbor kids. Seriously, its on my fucking nerves.
On the other hand it handles a leash well and dosent shit in the house. You take the bad with the good but JeeZuz its stressing me.
Work is fine, family is fine.
I love my new place. In lots of ways its the nicest place I every llived in. Its certainly the most conviently arranged. Once again, we lucked the fuck out.
Oh, and remember my old place in Mtown? Well a third tenant just moved into the extra room making it actually profitable. Lucked the fuck out!
KNow who I wish would come back? NinjaGirl. I hope she is doing well.
Cousin of (!) is here for the weekend. He was dumped about three weeks ago and is absolutely besides himself. My opinion is that he was always a bit of a co-dependant drama queen, and now he actually has something to cry over. Hes in his twenties but is taking it like a high schooler - moping, sighing replies to questions, obsessing. At some point last week he took a blade and made tiny little cuts all over his body - not life threatining, but quite a conversation starter. I feel bad for the brother but . . . while he has a genuine problem its not relationships but how he handles himself. Hes getting professional help, so thats good.
Well, thats probably enough. Take it light, be well and if you do remmeber me I hope you do so fondly.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: If you are compassionet, you will sometimes be burdened intolerablely with the problems of others. Be compassioned anyony and redouble your efforts when you are so burdened.
Cat Report: Its too sad to even discuss this time. But I will say that while you may prefer a dog for hunting and fishing, cats rule as house pets. Prove me wrong, The Fucking Dustmop!
Factoid: My neigbors, Mr and Ms Neigbors, are getting married this week. She is six months pregnant so I am taking up a collecttion at work for a gift cirtificate from the babby store as a present.
Currently digging: The Slackers, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, brocolli sprouts, Sleater-Kinney, Red Dwarf, Dr Brown's Black Cherry Soday, (!)
usually the kind of dog that you would call a dustmop is rather annoying. I am kind of a dog guy myself however, and I do very little fishing and no hunting whatsoever. Cats always jump on my head. I have trouble sleeping when they're in the house, as I can sense their nervous energy-- they don't sleep, attack things like stuffed animals in the middle of the night, and once again, jump on my head. I can't stand them. The last one my gf/wife made us get, I named Trial Basis, and of course, the little bugger has now gone to a new home. He lasted two weeks. Some dogs are very annoying, however. Insist that the door stays shut during sex, insist that no one gives it table scraps, and blow in it's face when it bugs you. They hate that.
As far as the Taoist thought of the day, the subject matter is very applicable to yours truly. I'm nearly a withered old man from doing these very things now. I'm trying to get on my own again-- very difficult.
I couldn't understand exactly. Is it supposed to read this way?:
If you are compassionate, you will sometimes be burdened intolerably with the problems of others. Be compassionate ANYWAY(?) and redouble your efforts when you are so burdened.
I will try to keep my head up and double my efforts. However, I must say, with all of the potentially disabling consequences and pure effort involved with exerting such compassion, it certainly doesn't seem to jive very well with, say, flowing like a leaf on a river, a classic Taoist analogy to life. Help.
Don't sweat the dog too much, PH. Remember the blowing in the face trick. Just don't let the gf see you do it.
l8r buddy.
I'm actually just buying a place in the mountains out here right now, but have a workshop and house on a lake in Idaho. Material shit, I know. Having it actually makes it much harder to just bail on an unpleasant situation, but will make life much better when I get some time alone. I'll get out on vaca every once in awhile.
We gotta get more folks onto that compassion thing, I think.
Thanks for the reply. Take care pard.