Greetings SG friends and neigbors,
I hope this finds you well and good.
Its a good, buisy, happy time for me. I'm writing, working, exercieing as much as possible and enjoying Athens as much as I can.
The house hunt goes on. I have a good bit of time so I am not terribly worried about it -- something just right or better is going to come along. I can feel it in my bunyons.
Work is stressing Mr. Tattoo out. He takes it very seriously -- he takes everything very seriously.
Anyway I started that entry than had a delightful hour long conversation with my girl (!). Now I am exhausted.
hope all are well,
Taoist thougt of the day: Do not underestimate the importance of sleep.
Cat Report: Mr. and Ms. Tattoo are getting a dog in a few weeks - should be interesting to see how Mina and Pandora handle it. Its going to be an australian sheep hearding dog . . . they should just love that.
Factoid: I think spiders are lucky and would prefer for people not to kill them.
I hope this finds you well and good.
Its a good, buisy, happy time for me. I'm writing, working, exercieing as much as possible and enjoying Athens as much as I can.
The house hunt goes on. I have a good bit of time so I am not terribly worried about it -- something just right or better is going to come along. I can feel it in my bunyons.
Work is stressing Mr. Tattoo out. He takes it very seriously -- he takes everything very seriously.
Anyway I started that entry than had a delightful hour long conversation with my girl (!). Now I am exhausted.
hope all are well,
Taoist thougt of the day: Do not underestimate the importance of sleep.
Cat Report: Mr. and Ms. Tattoo are getting a dog in a few weeks - should be interesting to see how Mina and Pandora handle it. Its going to be an australian sheep hearding dog . . . they should just love that.
Factoid: I think spiders are lucky and would prefer for people not to kill them.
Spiders freak me the hell out! I would prefer them to stay the hell away! I am a wicked arachniphobe.
sometimes i try to remember what i have not had... you seem to be the type of memory that my mind has a special arm chair saved for.