Hey there hi there ho there SG friends,
I hope this finds you well and good.
Okay so my life is . . . fun and exciting. And complicated.
I'm still talking to the delightful Ms. Clio, long distance nights and weekends. Its exciting to go over old times and discuss new ones. She is talking about comming down for a visit in a month or so. It's a date I intend on keeping. Because if its still real . . . well, lets just say I believe that we are in a position to make one another very happy for a long time.
Living in Athens has put me in touch with my best friend fro HS and his girl. I knew both of them back then and we have stayed more or less in touch over the years but we are never in the same place at the same time.
Anyway, I'm going to call him Mr. Hardcore and her Ms. Dixie. Trust me they fit like a lubricated glove.
So Ms. Dixie is a massage therapist -- you friends of punkinhead may well remember that my ex (the former BG, now forever known as Ms. Whatsherface) was a massage therapist and I had grown very fond of my weekly full body 90 minutes. Anyway, Ms. Dixie and I have worked out a swap - I go with her and be her scary goon for outpatient calls to deter frisky would-be hand job recipiants in exchange for free massage. She did three hours on me yesterday and GLORY GLORY BE its like BUH-TER! I swear she is the very best ever. Afterwards she took me out for sushi, which I love but these days can not afford. Mmmmm mm mmmm.
So what's complicated?? Well, what if Ms. Clio and I work it out - what next? Where do we go from there? She isn't willing to move here and I really don't want to move back to the West Coast - I love it out there but I would miss my family terribly. Also . . . am I just her rebound guy?
Anyway thats all.
I need a literary agent - a good one.
I need a new job.
I need to kick out my renters, sell my house and buy something out here.
All things in good time.
SG, here is my sweet song to you: I love you all, I love you all, my scary freaky darlings. Hear me sing, know that I, love you each and all.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: Breathe
Cat report: My poor Fresh. I just took them over to my sister's house to live until I find a place out here. Fresh was so freaked out he hid behind the water heater for two days. Cali, of course, took the transition in stride. Anyway, they are both setteled in now and very happy. I miss them terribly.
Factoid: First SG i ever spent Quality Personal Time to - Sasha. Sigh
I hope this finds you well and good.
Okay so my life is . . . fun and exciting. And complicated.
I'm still talking to the delightful Ms. Clio, long distance nights and weekends. Its exciting to go over old times and discuss new ones. She is talking about comming down for a visit in a month or so. It's a date I intend on keeping. Because if its still real . . . well, lets just say I believe that we are in a position to make one another very happy for a long time.
Living in Athens has put me in touch with my best friend fro HS and his girl. I knew both of them back then and we have stayed more or less in touch over the years but we are never in the same place at the same time.
Anyway, I'm going to call him Mr. Hardcore and her Ms. Dixie. Trust me they fit like a lubricated glove.
So Ms. Dixie is a massage therapist -- you friends of punkinhead may well remember that my ex (the former BG, now forever known as Ms. Whatsherface) was a massage therapist and I had grown very fond of my weekly full body 90 minutes. Anyway, Ms. Dixie and I have worked out a swap - I go with her and be her scary goon for outpatient calls to deter frisky would-be hand job recipiants in exchange for free massage. She did three hours on me yesterday and GLORY GLORY BE its like BUH-TER! I swear she is the very best ever. Afterwards she took me out for sushi, which I love but these days can not afford. Mmmmm mm mmmm.
So what's complicated?? Well, what if Ms. Clio and I work it out - what next? Where do we go from there? She isn't willing to move here and I really don't want to move back to the West Coast - I love it out there but I would miss my family terribly. Also . . . am I just her rebound guy?
Anyway thats all.
I need a literary agent - a good one.
I need a new job.
I need to kick out my renters, sell my house and buy something out here.
All things in good time.
SG, here is my sweet song to you: I love you all, I love you all, my scary freaky darlings. Hear me sing, know that I, love you each and all.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: Breathe
Cat report: My poor Fresh. I just took them over to my sister's house to live until I find a place out here. Fresh was so freaked out he hid behind the water heater for two days. Cali, of course, took the transition in stride. Anyway, they are both setteled in now and very happy. I miss them terribly.
Factoid: First SG i ever spent Quality Personal Time to - Sasha. Sigh

I need to remind myself to breathe, so that I might smell the roses along the winding path that is my life. Oy.