Hello SG friends,
I hope this finds you well and good.
Well just got back in town from a four day jaunt. I helped a friend move their Dad down here to lovely GA. This consisted of a long ass drive, three days of house packing and cleaning, and a long ass drive home. Oh, and unloading.
It was good to get out of town for a couple of days. My friend (ever after known as Ms. Waterloo) is actually an acquaintance who is super tight with Punkerella. It was good to get my mind off myself and my worries for a few days and concentrate on helping others.
BTW, Ms. Waterloo is SUPER FRICKIN FINE!! She is a nice girl, a friend who has a super cool boyfriend, an honorable individual and a rock in times of trouble. And myself, being an honorable dude, never made so much as a wayward glance her way. But it was super fun hanging out with somebody that cool, that cute.
Remember the lesions of High Fidelity; Punch your weight.
Anyway, the job hunt continues. The house clean up/ renovation continues. Recovery continues.
I have been eating chicken and even red meat again. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly got the urge and went with it. One day during the move I even ate ribs - it was frickin wonderful. Of course, I'm feeling fat and sluggish but what are you gonna do?
And thats all. Thanks for being my friends, friends.
take it light,
ph, PhD.
Taoist thought of the day: There is only this moment, Now, and the decisions we make.
Cat report: While I was gone the cats acted the fool - pissing on mats, scratching up walls. They are just now starting to cool out. Pray for my patience.
Factoid: I have been mugged twice, both times as an adult living in New York. There was a third attempt much later on that I thwarted just by standing my ground.
I hope this finds you well and good.
Well just got back in town from a four day jaunt. I helped a friend move their Dad down here to lovely GA. This consisted of a long ass drive, three days of house packing and cleaning, and a long ass drive home. Oh, and unloading.
It was good to get out of town for a couple of days. My friend (ever after known as Ms. Waterloo) is actually an acquaintance who is super tight with Punkerella. It was good to get my mind off myself and my worries for a few days and concentrate on helping others.
BTW, Ms. Waterloo is SUPER FRICKIN FINE!! She is a nice girl, a friend who has a super cool boyfriend, an honorable individual and a rock in times of trouble. And myself, being an honorable dude, never made so much as a wayward glance her way. But it was super fun hanging out with somebody that cool, that cute.
Remember the lesions of High Fidelity; Punch your weight.
Anyway, the job hunt continues. The house clean up/ renovation continues. Recovery continues.
I have been eating chicken and even red meat again. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly got the urge and went with it. One day during the move I even ate ribs - it was frickin wonderful. Of course, I'm feeling fat and sluggish but what are you gonna do?
And thats all. Thanks for being my friends, friends.
take it light,
ph, PhD.
Taoist thought of the day: There is only this moment, Now, and the decisions we make.
Cat report: While I was gone the cats acted the fool - pissing on mats, scratching up walls. They are just now starting to cool out. Pray for my patience.
Factoid: I have been mugged twice, both times as an adult living in New York. There was a third attempt much later on that I thwarted just by standing my ground.
funny, solely from your description, i knew who you were talking about.

Happy Thanksgiving my Dirty South homey....may the Turkey be moist and the Jager be chilled!!!