Hello SG friends and neighbors,
I hope this finds you well and good.
Well its good and past time to stop feeling sorry for myself.
I'm still looking for a new job. I'm starting to take a second look at things I had turned my nose up at, like my old job bussing tables at Ray's on the River. It wasnt so bad . . . its just embarrassing to be 34 and considering that kind of work. But things are as they are.
Writing is starting to pick up. I had a slump there for a while, just couldn't get over myself enough to sit and get the work done. I think I'm over myself at this point.
The perfect situation for me would be working at a gym somewhere. Somewhere I could work and use the gym for free. I have free weights here at the house but not enough to do everything I want. Plus I would love a Stairmaster for days its too cold or rainy to do roadwork.
So I'm Ready.
anyway, y'all take it light. If I knew you in person I would slap everybody five . . . since I don't yall have to feel me over the net.
take it light,
p to the motherfuckin h
Taoist thought of the day: When you realize that you have made a mistake, gently correct yourself and move on without judgment or guilt.
Cat Report: The day grows late and Cali grows fat. What are you gonna do? If I'm ever able to move somewhere a little more quiet I'll let them out to roam.
Factoid: There are over 400 movies in my Netflix queue.
I hope this finds you well and good.
Well its good and past time to stop feeling sorry for myself.
I'm still looking for a new job. I'm starting to take a second look at things I had turned my nose up at, like my old job bussing tables at Ray's on the River. It wasnt so bad . . . its just embarrassing to be 34 and considering that kind of work. But things are as they are.
Writing is starting to pick up. I had a slump there for a while, just couldn't get over myself enough to sit and get the work done. I think I'm over myself at this point.
The perfect situation for me would be working at a gym somewhere. Somewhere I could work and use the gym for free. I have free weights here at the house but not enough to do everything I want. Plus I would love a Stairmaster for days its too cold or rainy to do roadwork.
So I'm Ready.
anyway, y'all take it light. If I knew you in person I would slap everybody five . . . since I don't yall have to feel me over the net.
take it light,
p to the motherfuckin h
Taoist thought of the day: When you realize that you have made a mistake, gently correct yourself and move on without judgment or guilt.
Cat Report: The day grows late and Cali grows fat. What are you gonna do? If I'm ever able to move somewhere a little more quiet I'll let them out to roam.
Factoid: There are over 400 movies in my Netflix queue.
what if I taped myself saying his name?
would you film him jumping through the hoop?