Hello SG Friends,
I hope this finds you well and good.
Well no point putting this news off: BG and I have split up, again. It was amicable this time . . . there was lots of talk about how "we had a good run" and "you are so wonderful" and "I'm gonna miss you." She's gone now, and when she is gone for good she is going to take my beloved cats with her. Fresh and Cali. Ah, Dischordia.
I think that I have just about had it with this stupid fucking town. I need new vistas.
I have a few cities left on the Places to Live In Before I Die. Amongst them:
Santa Fe
Truth be told I would consider anything that would be an adventure right now. Basically, that means places I have lived are out: Long Island, Houston, New Canaan, Chicago, Long Beach or Seattle.
So if there are any of you in any of those cities who could use a roommate or have a similar amicable situation starting in, oh I don't know . . . say I could conceivably be settled and moved by this by February, perhaps sooner for the right situation.
I write and own rental property but I'll need at least a part-time day job for a few months until I stablalize myself. I've done all sorts of shit: Waiting tables, pawnbroker, Opinions Editor for small paper, restaurant assistant manager, shipping manager, dot com marketing gopher, bartender, courier, paralegal,
and used book store sales clerk. Every time I quit this paragraph to finish this entry I think of something else and have to go back to it and its getting maudlin so I'm done with it. Trust me, I've done a whole lot of shit.
Extended house sitting, caretaking, working on a boat, the right roommate situation and move quickly situations will all be considered. So will cities not listed above.
Of course you have to take my word for it but people who know me say I'm laid back, funny, fairly easy to get along with.
Anyway thats all. Be well.
take it light,
Taoist Thought of the Day: You tell me this time.
Cat Report: The fact that my cats must leave (My guys! The first pets I have ever owned in my life! Fresh! Cali!) is a wholly real and separate broken heart. I'm already lonely for them.
(Fresh, sitting in my lap while I type and making a nuisance out of himself.)
(Cali, my beautiful Ms. Tail, whining to be fed four hours early.)
What the fuck am I going to do?
Factoid: Of all the celebrities that have passed on during my lifetime, the one I miss the most is Johnny Cash.
I hope this finds you well and good.
Well no point putting this news off: BG and I have split up, again. It was amicable this time . . . there was lots of talk about how "we had a good run" and "you are so wonderful" and "I'm gonna miss you." She's gone now, and when she is gone for good she is going to take my beloved cats with her. Fresh and Cali. Ah, Dischordia.
I think that I have just about had it with this stupid fucking town. I need new vistas.
I have a few cities left on the Places to Live In Before I Die. Amongst them:
Santa Fe
Truth be told I would consider anything that would be an adventure right now. Basically, that means places I have lived are out: Long Island, Houston, New Canaan, Chicago, Long Beach or Seattle.
So if there are any of you in any of those cities who could use a roommate or have a similar amicable situation starting in, oh I don't know . . . say I could conceivably be settled and moved by this by February, perhaps sooner for the right situation.
I write and own rental property but I'll need at least a part-time day job for a few months until I stablalize myself. I've done all sorts of shit: Waiting tables, pawnbroker, Opinions Editor for small paper, restaurant assistant manager, shipping manager, dot com marketing gopher, bartender, courier, paralegal,
and used book store sales clerk. Every time I quit this paragraph to finish this entry I think of something else and have to go back to it and its getting maudlin so I'm done with it. Trust me, I've done a whole lot of shit.
Extended house sitting, caretaking, working on a boat, the right roommate situation and move quickly situations will all be considered. So will cities not listed above.
Of course you have to take my word for it but people who know me say I'm laid back, funny, fairly easy to get along with.
Anyway thats all. Be well.
take it light,
Taoist Thought of the Day: You tell me this time.
Cat Report: The fact that my cats must leave (My guys! The first pets I have ever owned in my life! Fresh! Cali!) is a wholly real and separate broken heart. I'm already lonely for them.
(Fresh, sitting in my lap while I type and making a nuisance out of himself.)
(Cali, my beautiful Ms. Tail, whining to be fed four hours early.)
What the fuck am I going to do?
Factoid: Of all the celebrities that have passed on during my lifetime, the one I miss the most is Johnny Cash.
That does sound like me though, I'm always hauling ass somewhere.