Hey There SG Peeps,
I hope this finds you well and good.
So BG and I are back together. I dont know about tomorrow, about how this will work out in the long run. But I do know this its been the motherfuckin sexcapades around Cassa Del Punquenheado and damn if aint making me dance my funky little happy dance.
(Yall who know me know Im not much for putting my gory details out into the ether but I do have to mention that yesternightss second round included taking turns watching porn.) (

The weekend was great. Me and BG went out to her mom and step-dads place and worked for them, doing construction and moving chores in the new building on their property. Made money, ate well, went and saw a cool acoustic set by a woman who knew Joni Mitchel and Cheryl Crow tunes, and had a blast hanging out. Ma and Step-pa are both musicians, and we had a little private middle of the night concert. It was hard to stump them with requests. The wine fairy kept making appearance after appearance and suddenly we were hammered, and I had to sing my version of a few bawdy Ren Fest tunes. An excellent weekend all around.
Writing goes slowly but well. I am going to donate this thing I was working on to another dudes book very cool since its eighty-two percent finished and ready to go already. Im trying to get it done by Sunday, when Im heading out to spend the night in Athens.
Im going to quit here in a sec, write for a couple of hours and then go check out everyones journals.
SG, yall are my peeps.
Take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: Look for lessons in nature, and look for nature in everything.
Cat Report: We got to hang out with BGs folks cats over the weekend a belligerent cat, a little old lady cat, a lovely but obnoxious cat and a hide in the woods all day cat. They were fun. Little Old Lady cat tells you to go to bed if its too late with scolding eyes. Belligerent cat has to aggressively rub everything with his face, just to let you know it all belongs to him. Obnoxious cat likes to get under your feet when you are walking backwards helping to move a desk. Hiding cat was only glimpsed peripherally, but she seemed like she was happy.
Factoid: A few of my friends have me cut their hair all the time. Never had a lesson.
(cue the disco music)