I hope this transmission finds you all well and good. Im alive and well and doing my thing here in Kennesaw.
So . . . where the hell have I been? Well, I went to Columbus OH for a gamer/ sci-fi/ fantasy convention. It was a blast the most fun con I have ever done. It was busy as hell I ran constant games, drank constant Jagermeister and generally had a blast. Highlights include being killed on camera by one of our iconic characters, seeing Sean Astin and meeting wrestler Buff Bagwell, and hanging out with some of the wildest con folks I have ever met. This time I think that I have made a few friends that may just last of course, well see.
The most sour note of the weekend I didnt get to meet Alisa like I had hoped. The only night she had free, I had to do an awards ceremony (we didnt even win anything!) and couldnt get away at all. This sucked indeed but there you go. Forgive me, Ailsa there was nothing I could do. Although I admit I would have felt much better about it if we had actually won the frickin design award.
Got back home . . . just in time to leave for Knoxville. There was a possible situation there I was interested in, a place where I could live on the cheap for a while and be a Full Time Writer. I should tell you this about me the most important goal in my life is to be a Full Time Writer in other words, making enough money to quit my day job. So far it hasnt happened, but this looked like it just might be the situation for me so I went to go check it out.
It wasnt my situation. The town was cool but I lived to far out to forgo living with a car (part of my strategy) and I decided that I am better off at least for the short term staying right where I am.
And now I am back. I had a very quiet forth of July. One strange thing . . .
I had a bizarre dream a friend of mine came to me as a prostitute, and I had sex with her. It was found out by all and ruined her life, my life and disrupted our circle of friends forever. Waking up was amazing relief it made me feel like all the difficult decisions that I have made during my life the cheat or not cheat, steal or not steal decisions were right. I felt very alive, and I felt that I had the right to hold my head up amongst my peeps. Beyond that a man is a pauper, and any short term advantages or prizes we gain by sharp dealing quickly loose their luster and rot.
So Im feeling good as hell. I hope you are feeling good as hell. I hope we are still friends after my extended absence. I know I love yall and perhaps thats enough.
take it light,
Taoist Thought of the Day: Master yourself as a spiritual discipline.
Cat Report: My guys have been so sweet of late! His Royal Freshness has been cool and mostly chilled out, discounting a random nipple slashing I was recently subjected to. Cali is slimming down and I think enjoying herself more.
Factoid: The first record that I actually owned free and clear all to myself was the Flash Gordon soundtrack, starring Queen. Brian May is still my favorite guitar player of all time.
So . . . where the hell have I been? Well, I went to Columbus OH for a gamer/ sci-fi/ fantasy convention. It was a blast the most fun con I have ever done. It was busy as hell I ran constant games, drank constant Jagermeister and generally had a blast. Highlights include being killed on camera by one of our iconic characters, seeing Sean Astin and meeting wrestler Buff Bagwell, and hanging out with some of the wildest con folks I have ever met. This time I think that I have made a few friends that may just last of course, well see.
The most sour note of the weekend I didnt get to meet Alisa like I had hoped. The only night she had free, I had to do an awards ceremony (we didnt even win anything!) and couldnt get away at all. This sucked indeed but there you go. Forgive me, Ailsa there was nothing I could do. Although I admit I would have felt much better about it if we had actually won the frickin design award.
Got back home . . . just in time to leave for Knoxville. There was a possible situation there I was interested in, a place where I could live on the cheap for a while and be a Full Time Writer. I should tell you this about me the most important goal in my life is to be a Full Time Writer in other words, making enough money to quit my day job. So far it hasnt happened, but this looked like it just might be the situation for me so I went to go check it out.
It wasnt my situation. The town was cool but I lived to far out to forgo living with a car (part of my strategy) and I decided that I am better off at least for the short term staying right where I am.
And now I am back. I had a very quiet forth of July. One strange thing . . .
I had a bizarre dream a friend of mine came to me as a prostitute, and I had sex with her. It was found out by all and ruined her life, my life and disrupted our circle of friends forever. Waking up was amazing relief it made me feel like all the difficult decisions that I have made during my life the cheat or not cheat, steal or not steal decisions were right. I felt very alive, and I felt that I had the right to hold my head up amongst my peeps. Beyond that a man is a pauper, and any short term advantages or prizes we gain by sharp dealing quickly loose their luster and rot.
So Im feeling good as hell. I hope you are feeling good as hell. I hope we are still friends after my extended absence. I know I love yall and perhaps thats enough.
take it light,
Taoist Thought of the Day: Master yourself as a spiritual discipline.
Cat Report: My guys have been so sweet of late! His Royal Freshness has been cool and mostly chilled out, discounting a random nipple slashing I was recently subjected to. Cali is slimming down and I think enjoying herself more.
Factoid: The first record that I actually owned free and clear all to myself was the Flash Gordon soundtrack, starring Queen. Brian May is still my favorite guitar player of all time.
I have been having too many bizzare dreams lately... must be the stress.