Hello SG folks,
I hope this transmission finds everyone well and good.
So . . .
So just like that I have decided to move on. I was really stressing the breakup and the aftermath. Did she want me back? Was that call to check on me really just to say hi, or was it a message. It was all a long game of relationship poker, something that had never taken place between BG and I.
And I don't want to demean what we had with this nonsense by existing in this wishy-washy, maybey-maybey-no non-relationship, so I have decided to put the whole thing behind me.
Deep breath. And once again the world is a complete fuck of a good time and I am the luckiest thing that ever tripped through the daisies of the universe.
The day job has actually been fun. We made chaos into creative order this week in the new location. But that commute - Jesus Christi!! Two hours each way. I figure that two weeks of it won't kill me as long as I run my stash of audio books. I have completed the Complete Guide to Confrontation (sic) and am currently in the middle of the latest Stephen King dark tower book.
My sister, ever after known as Punkerella, is on her way over. She can not seem to get out from the emotional pull of this bad five year relationship and she wants to hash. Its a pleasure to dust off my Big Bro hat.
Anyway, I got love love love for ya'll. SG, I'm only a click away.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: "Being one with the Tao, when you seek you find, and when you make a mistake you are forgiven." - Lao-tsu
Cat report: Now that Im sleeping alone again I have let the cats have access to the room all night. What is it about five AM that moves the kitties hearts to love and sterling affection? Its actually pretty cool.
Factoid: Beer puts me to sleep. When I want to hang out all night I try to drink Jager with Iced Tea back.
take care
Gank away...and you are welcome in my world any time.