Hey SG Folks,
I hope this transmission finds you all well and good and enjoying the springtime. Can you feel it? Im feelin it.
The question is, can your old buddy punkinhead get through an entire journal entry in the short time before the bg swings by to pick me up and whisk me downtown. Go go punkin fingers.
Okay so things are okay. Im not getting very much writing done but have been productive on all other fronts, specifically the house buying front. I wish that moving could be my full time job I could be in a new place inside of a month.
BG just called she is running late and there is no way we are making this thing, so we are going to chill out a bit with some friends who I havent mentioned yet in this journal their fake names will be determined at a later date. Well probably play cards or something.
Another couple friend just got pregnant. It will be their second I cant believe they lapped me! Firkin overachievers. My biological clock is stuck at four-nineteen. Its just not going to happen folks.
Every so often I have a terror fantasy about a mop-headed quarter Creole kid showing up on my doorstep someone whos birthday falls nine months after Mardi Gras, New Years or the cast party of my high school production of Okalahoma! How would you handle something like that? What would you say? Would it be worse to be surprised with a ten year old or a two year old?
We went to Athens over the weekend and I met two of bgs friends who live out that way. They were the most chilled out couple I have met in literal months. They took us out for vegetarian and I had a bad-ass tofu Ruben and a piece of non-every-fucking thing piece of chocolate peanut-butter pie. I thought I would pass a rainbow. I swear, if my honey honey isnt down for moving there Ill die of a broken heart. Ill do whatever it takes to move us there demand, plead, indian wrestle, whine like a bitch or hold my breath until my face turns blue. Well, everything but hold out on sex Im only human for fucks sake.
Well thats loads already. Come here, hold my hand SG, you are the only ones for me. Love all yall.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: There is nothing in this world more innocent than a fox killing a rabbit.
Cat Report: I never thought I would see the day Cali and Fresh have become so antoganistic at the food bowl that we are forced to give them separate dishes they had been sharing a hip two bowl deal we got at the pet store with the fresh cat paws all over it but noooooooo they have to buck on each other. Sigh. I remember the good old days.
Factoid: I do not eat pork, beef, turkey or chicken. I basically do vegetarian + seafood. I tried pure vegetarian once but I wasnt clever enough to keep my proteins up and I grew very week over a three month period. It ended with me going bowling and not being able to lift a ball.
I hope this transmission finds you all well and good and enjoying the springtime. Can you feel it? Im feelin it.
The question is, can your old buddy punkinhead get through an entire journal entry in the short time before the bg swings by to pick me up and whisk me downtown. Go go punkin fingers.
Okay so things are okay. Im not getting very much writing done but have been productive on all other fronts, specifically the house buying front. I wish that moving could be my full time job I could be in a new place inside of a month.
BG just called she is running late and there is no way we are making this thing, so we are going to chill out a bit with some friends who I havent mentioned yet in this journal their fake names will be determined at a later date. Well probably play cards or something.
Another couple friend just got pregnant. It will be their second I cant believe they lapped me! Firkin overachievers. My biological clock is stuck at four-nineteen. Its just not going to happen folks.
Every so often I have a terror fantasy about a mop-headed quarter Creole kid showing up on my doorstep someone whos birthday falls nine months after Mardi Gras, New Years or the cast party of my high school production of Okalahoma! How would you handle something like that? What would you say? Would it be worse to be surprised with a ten year old or a two year old?
We went to Athens over the weekend and I met two of bgs friends who live out that way. They were the most chilled out couple I have met in literal months. They took us out for vegetarian and I had a bad-ass tofu Ruben and a piece of non-every-fucking thing piece of chocolate peanut-butter pie. I thought I would pass a rainbow. I swear, if my honey honey isnt down for moving there Ill die of a broken heart. Ill do whatever it takes to move us there demand, plead, indian wrestle, whine like a bitch or hold my breath until my face turns blue. Well, everything but hold out on sex Im only human for fucks sake.
Well thats loads already. Come here, hold my hand SG, you are the only ones for me. Love all yall.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: There is nothing in this world more innocent than a fox killing a rabbit.
Cat Report: I never thought I would see the day Cali and Fresh have become so antoganistic at the food bowl that we are forced to give them separate dishes they had been sharing a hip two bowl deal we got at the pet store with the fresh cat paws all over it but noooooooo they have to buck on each other. Sigh. I remember the good old days.
Factoid: I do not eat pork, beef, turkey or chicken. I basically do vegetarian + seafood. I tried pure vegetarian once but I wasnt clever enough to keep my proteins up and I grew very week over a three month period. It ended with me going bowling and not being able to lift a ball.
i wanna be surprised by the next macauly caulkin knocking on my door and calling me pops so his rich, child actor ass can pay off my student loans.
sweet! thanks man! i was worried i wasnt all that cool. hehe