Hey SG Adventure People,
I hope this transmission finds you and yours happy and healthy.
Im geting ready to do some work but I just wanted to pop on and say hello.
This was a fairly stressful day that ended well. BG and I stopped after work and errends to eat Mexican food and drink sweet tea.
Im going to try out a new Feature on the old blog: Taoist Homework. I trust you will do whatever you want with it.
Anyway thats it. Be well, take care of yourselves. One of these days, SG, Imma come a courtin - thats how much love I have for ya'll.
take it light,
Taoist Thought of the Day: The Tao asserts itself perfectly. It never fights but it always wins.
Taoist Homework: Unlearn something negative. Hit me up for details.
Cat Report: Cali is watchin BG read - I don't know where Fresh is. BG tells me these are the most sociable cats she ever had. They are my first cats so I have no basis for compairson but to me they seem pretty stand-offish.
Factoid: I like to grow my hair long, then shave it and grow it long again. I've done this more than a dozen times. Right now my hair is down to my shoulders.
Special Post St. Patricks Day Factoid: I would never be so forthcomming with my journal if I got dozens of hits per day. I like staying local.
I hope this transmission finds you and yours happy and healthy.
Im geting ready to do some work but I just wanted to pop on and say hello.
This was a fairly stressful day that ended well. BG and I stopped after work and errends to eat Mexican food and drink sweet tea.
Im going to try out a new Feature on the old blog: Taoist Homework. I trust you will do whatever you want with it.
Anyway thats it. Be well, take care of yourselves. One of these days, SG, Imma come a courtin - thats how much love I have for ya'll.
take it light,
Taoist Thought of the Day: The Tao asserts itself perfectly. It never fights but it always wins.
Taoist Homework: Unlearn something negative. Hit me up for details.
Cat Report: Cali is watchin BG read - I don't know where Fresh is. BG tells me these are the most sociable cats she ever had. They are my first cats so I have no basis for compairson but to me they seem pretty stand-offish.
Factoid: I like to grow my hair long, then shave it and grow it long again. I've done this more than a dozen times. Right now my hair is down to my shoulders.
Special Post St. Patricks Day Factoid: I would never be so forthcomming with my journal if I got dozens of hits per day. I like staying local.
When I was working in the gallery the other day I met a person with your same (real) full name. It was really odd. But he was from California and here with his 3 kids.
I haven't written anything lately. I'm still not convinced that I'm a writer. On the other hand, I finished recording my album a few months ago. I don't know if I'm gonna try to send it to any record labels or not...