Hey there SG friends and neigbors,
I hope this finds you well and good. I hope you are happy, healthy, and lucky.
I'm sick for like the fifth day in a row, lying up and only slowly returning to my real life. I actually went to the doctor for the flu, a lifetime first.
Winter 2014-5 was hard on me and mine no doubt. I feel like its over now, as of today, and I am back on track. Even sick I feel like this winter is finally over.
This winter I did what I had to do. This spring I do what I have to do.
I just want everything to be fun again.
Thanks for being my realest real, SG.
nothing but love,
Pet Report: Puggle has learned its first trick. After only two years of working with it it can now shake. My can hangs out dispite the dog giving it grief more than ever. Progress!
Currently Digging: the Words