Hey SG World,
I hope this finds you well and good.
So after months and months of trying every venue I could to find a job - LinkedIn, Monster, ZipRecruiter, endless searches on Craigslist and similar sites, the local paper's online site, and so many more, twenty to thirty hours a week of it - I saw a Help Wanted sign in a window, went in, and it looks like I may have landed myself a cool part time job.
Just, "Hey there is a sign . . . help . . . . wanted. Hmm. I guess these folks need help. I'll see if they could use a guy like me."
Like somebody from an old sitcom.
I think about how I spent all of those hours, the stress, the self-loathing, the endless bullshit you engage with with employers: ("What are your goals?" "Well, I am looking for a challenging career where I can utilize my vast experience in customer service in a fast-paced meritocracy!" - why can't I say I just need a job, you give me money and I will bust ass for you, period?). The lying to myself over my chances, the beating myself up for failures and bad life choices.
I could have spent that time writing, or reading, or at the gym, or fucking gardening. Learning Sanskrit. Anything else.
Nothing to do but laugh at this point.
be well,
Taoist Thought of the Day: The above whining makes out like I didn't learn anything from my time looking for work. But I did, and its all good stuff. And that energy that I discovered in myself while looking for work: I can take it wherever I want. That is the Tao - wherever you go is the Tao. If you could do something outside the Tao, then the Tao would not be what we say it is when we say The Tao.
Pet Report: I think I could live with the garbage raids, the cat-box raids, the whining, and the utter resistance to all forms of training, if she would just leave my poor cat alone. Vindaloo, I am sorry. If I realized how bad this was going to be I would have put my foot down and the missus and I would just not own a dog for a while.
Currently Digging: The Wordburgler, The Woggles, Vintage Toys, my super-old school Castles and Crusades ipod mix, temph fried rice