And I still hate my dog.
This morning I put her in time out in her crate for chasing the cat all morning. Once this was done, I went down stairs to put the kettle on and I saw that she had gotten into the garbage, found my wife's used tampon, taken it to the couch and ripped it apart there. Its amazing - she must have done it in the five minutes after my wife left and we both went up stairs, before she went after the cat.
I have been working with the dog as best as I know how, every day. She still won't sit, much less shake or stay. She just won't be told what to do. So far I have found nothing that will keep her from going after the cat - not time outs, not rewards for ignoring her, not the missus and I just sitting and each holding an animal and watching movies so they can get used to each other. Not yelling, not being sweet. Nothing.
Anyway, nothing to be done but to keep working with her, and occasionally coming online to bitch a bit.
thanks for listening!