I hate my dog.
We got her at Christmas. I instantly didn't like her but my wife fell in love. I initially said no thanks, but after my wife obsessed over it for three days, threatening to ruin my holiday, I relented.
And I was right. The dog sucks.
Its not the dog's fault. She is a rescue dog, she has been bounced from situation to situation with no stability nor training. No one who had her taught her anything, and so she is a strong willed four year old dog who resists all attempts at training. She is jealous, aggressive, destructive, and extremely stubborn.
And she won't leave my cat alone. The dog just tried to bite the cat, and I had to physically get in and break it up. If the dog sees my wife or myself giving the cat any affection, or even attention, she charges.
So now she is in her crate, whining piteously. She whines up in the ultrasonic - its so high pitched that you feel it more than hear it.
I think that, given a year or so of constant effort, she might be an okay dog. But right now I am loosing my mind.
We will have this dog forever, no doubt. Even if my wife wasn't head over heals in love with it, I just couldn't bounce the dog to another situation like she was a bit of furniture. None of this is the dog's fault. I will do my best to be patient, to work with her as much as possible. I may vent here again because, of course, SG is where I come to be my Realest Real.
Much of my grief comes from my devotion to my cat, who I now can only sneak visits with. Or I can lock the dog up to spend time with the cat, which just feels awful. And all of this takes up much, much too much of my limited time.
Okay, I have vented. Thanks for listening.