Hey all,
Happy 2014! I hope this finds you well and good and on track for the best year of your lives.
So our trip to GA was very nice. The drive down was smooth, we had a very nice holiday with our extended family. My mom bought every delightfully unhealthy thing the shops had to offer I ate so much delicious cheese, wine, pastry . . . man oh man did I eat well. Too well. We had nice times, saw the new Hobbit movie (what's up with the colossal giant Dwarf jello mold?), and caught up. I swear, my favorite thing to do is just sit around and bullshit with the people I love. Why do people have to do all complicated family BS, board games and theme parties and whatnot? I just want to sit around with my people, have a cup of coffee and catch up, hear about the minutia of their daily goings on. I truly treasure every one of those moments.
So its 2014. We had a nice, calm New Year's Eve with good food, MST3K, and some Quality Personal Time with the missus. Very nice night altogether. This morning, well, I'm feeling a bit rough. But I earned this hangover - I own it.
Regarding the New Year . . . okay, I always tell it straight here on the old SG blog. So here goes - I mean for 2014 to be my motherfucking year. I mean to do good work, to make money, to be good to myself and my family. I mean to have my best year ever. Fully committed.
More news under the sig. For now, let me just say I wish you all the best! Love, prosperity, peace, and laughter.
Taoist Thought of the Day: Every day is a new beginning. New Year's Day is just one more new beginning, but its one you should take seriously. If you align yourself with the synergy of the universe then the universe is lined up behind you.
Pet Report: So 2014 sees us waking up with a new dog - Dobbie, the Puggle. Okay, as always here I tell it like it is - this is my nightmare dog. Its a tiny, whiny, relentless, in-your-face lap monster. She's too small to kill an intruder, but just the right size to terrorize my cat. Le sigh. So why? The missus, that's why. This is exactly the kind of dog my wife wants, a little devoted affectionate thing she can cuddle and kiss and put little outfits on. And the dog needed a forever home. So that's that, done deal. Anyway, Dobbie is making my poor cat a nervous wreck. And last night she wouldn't stop staring at me while I was getting down with the missus, which in my mind is an especially egregious breach of the human-animal social contract. But she is silly and funny and so cute she should be out-earning us being in TV advertisements and posing for dog food bag pictures. So now this is our family - the missus, the cat, the new dog, and me. And Dobbie makes the wife happy, and that makes me happy.
Currently Digging: Firefly, Salem, zucchini, my random music mix, the Salem Public Library, the Universe and everything it has to teach me.