Birthday post!
Hey its your old friend Punkinhead, having a birthday.
I keep a lot of blogs but my SG blog is the closest to my heart. Here I can be my true honest self, perhaps because I don't use my real name, perhaps because we are all united in our love of pin-ups and as such don't judge each other much.
So the straight story: as much as I love Salem, it sucks being in a new city for my birthday. And as much as I love my wife I wish I would get to see the rest of my family and friends. Its a bit of work smiling today.
I love birthdays. I don't get folks who lay low on theirs. I mean, its a great excuse to have some fun and tell folks that you love them. Seriously, what's the problem?? A birthday means you made it, you held death off for another year. Hooray you! Fucking hooray me!
Anyway, this birthday is going to be quieter and a bit more lonely than my usual week long birthday rumpus, as I have yet to make any new friends in my new city. BUT I am going to have a great time
So I am getting ready to head out and just wander the city to see what kind of adventures I find. Wish me luck!
be well,
Taoist Thought of the Day: Happiness is a matter of perception. Making yourself sad is the easiest thing in the world - just focus on all the negative in your life and you are already there. Making yourself happy is harder, because focusing on the positive is more work, but it is still entirely up to you and your Focus. And if you have a brain chemistry issue and need a medicine to keep your happy going . . . I ain't mad at you, and you ought not to be mad at yourself.
Pet Report: Bacchus, now 15 years old and the best dog ever, has really slowed down. He has lost weight and sleeps most of the time. It makes me sad, but I try to just be grateful for every day I have gotten to spend with him. He has become the fussiest eater, and ignores dog food. We feed him steak and hot dogs every day because that is all he will eat - may my old age be similar, except please feed me home made bread, the best cheese, and whiskey. Vindaloo T Cat has been super, super sweet of late. Last night she burrowed under the covers with me - she never, ever does that - and stayed there until I was well asleep.
Currently Digging: Count Basie, Save Yourself, The Shadow, the DCC RPG, short story prep
Hey its your old friend Punkinhead, having a birthday.
I keep a lot of blogs but my SG blog is the closest to my heart. Here I can be my true honest self, perhaps because I don't use my real name, perhaps because we are all united in our love of pin-ups and as such don't judge each other much.
So the straight story: as much as I love Salem, it sucks being in a new city for my birthday. And as much as I love my wife I wish I would get to see the rest of my family and friends. Its a bit of work smiling today.
I love birthdays. I don't get folks who lay low on theirs. I mean, its a great excuse to have some fun and tell folks that you love them. Seriously, what's the problem?? A birthday means you made it, you held death off for another year. Hooray you! Fucking hooray me!
Anyway, this birthday is going to be quieter and a bit more lonely than my usual week long birthday rumpus, as I have yet to make any new friends in my new city. BUT I am going to have a great time
So I am getting ready to head out and just wander the city to see what kind of adventures I find. Wish me luck!
be well,
Taoist Thought of the Day: Happiness is a matter of perception. Making yourself sad is the easiest thing in the world - just focus on all the negative in your life and you are already there. Making yourself happy is harder, because focusing on the positive is more work, but it is still entirely up to you and your Focus. And if you have a brain chemistry issue and need a medicine to keep your happy going . . . I ain't mad at you, and you ought not to be mad at yourself.
Pet Report: Bacchus, now 15 years old and the best dog ever, has really slowed down. He has lost weight and sleeps most of the time. It makes me sad, but I try to just be grateful for every day I have gotten to spend with him. He has become the fussiest eater, and ignores dog food. We feed him steak and hot dogs every day because that is all he will eat - may my old age be similar, except please feed me home made bread, the best cheese, and whiskey. Vindaloo T Cat has been super, super sweet of late. Last night she burrowed under the covers with me - she never, ever does that - and stayed there until I was well asleep.
Currently Digging: Count Basie, Save Yourself, The Shadow, the DCC RPG, short story prep
aww happy birthday babe, feliz cumpleaos atrazado, besos
Happy birthday *.*