I come to SG when I feel like telling the truth. Or at least the whole truth.
Howdy SG Friends and Neighbors,
I hope this finds you well and good.
How was your Thanksgiving? I had a rockin' day.
So yeah, here is the shit I don't talk about on Facebook. I've been published for eleven years now butt no fiction . . . until tonight.
I just self published my first children's book. I wrote the first three chapters in 1991, the final nine in 2006-7 or so. sat on it, sent it around to publishers, networked it a bit,, finally hired an editor and an illustrator, and published it as an eBook. Cross your fingers for your old homeboy that it will actually make some scratch and get in front of the right people.
All I want to do is write full time. Its my only ambition, the only thing I really want in this world. If this even does just okay, like if it makes enough to pay like, one bill for a few months - well, I am going to clean up everything I ever put to paper, give that shit an edit and see if somebody gives a shit.
Anyway I feel all done and sleepy now. Its been a truly fucked up month but all of the sudden it all turns around.
So that;s the last thing - all that bullshit about just give it one more day, never know what's going to wash up on the beach, all of that? All true, one hundred percent. Keep ya head up.
be well,
Taoist Thought of the Day: Breathe.
Pet Report: Bacchus is being so awesome. We had a great walk tonight, then played tug of war with his rope for a while. Hes the best. Vindaloo is being not so sociable these days, but is still occasionally sweet.
Currently Digging: Tom of Bedlam, The Waterboys, crazy turkey sandwiches, La Croix water
Howdy SG Friends and Neighbors,
I hope this finds you well and good.
How was your Thanksgiving? I had a rockin' day.
So yeah, here is the shit I don't talk about on Facebook. I've been published for eleven years now butt no fiction . . . until tonight.
I just self published my first children's book. I wrote the first three chapters in 1991, the final nine in 2006-7 or so. sat on it, sent it around to publishers, networked it a bit,, finally hired an editor and an illustrator, and published it as an eBook. Cross your fingers for your old homeboy that it will actually make some scratch and get in front of the right people.
All I want to do is write full time. Its my only ambition, the only thing I really want in this world. If this even does just okay, like if it makes enough to pay like, one bill for a few months - well, I am going to clean up everything I ever put to paper, give that shit an edit and see if somebody gives a shit.
Anyway I feel all done and sleepy now. Its been a truly fucked up month but all of the sudden it all turns around.
So that;s the last thing - all that bullshit about just give it one more day, never know what's going to wash up on the beach, all of that? All true, one hundred percent. Keep ya head up.
be well,
Taoist Thought of the Day: Breathe.
Pet Report: Bacchus is being so awesome. We had a great walk tonight, then played tug of war with his rope for a while. Hes the best. Vindaloo is being not so sociable these days, but is still occasionally sweet.
Currently Digging: Tom of Bedlam, The Waterboys, crazy turkey sandwiches, La Croix water
congrats on the childrens book, i have a small collection of them
hope you can reach fulltime writing .

<3 saludos