Hey all,
I hope this finds you well and good and loving life.
I've been trying to squeeze an hour a day for nothing but work on my novel, which is going slowly. This story is so much fun to write! I think if I could get a day off free and clear, a day when I felt safe ignoring the eight million other things screaming for me to pay attention to them, I could sizzle on it for hours and hours. I love it. I love working on it. I am the first to admit that I always get really excited by new projects, projects that will become work the longer they get. But for now me and the new thing are having our sweet, sweet honeymoon and I am going to let that go just as long as she wants to.
Right now I am reading The Magician King by Lev Grossman, which is very good. Beautiful, brutal, intriguing. At some points its disappointing. Someone tell me why every epic story eventually has to be about the Divinity. When a book I love takes that turn and suddenly its the author wrestling with the God-Idea it makes me sad. Like we, as a culture, always go for the Big Easy Answer. I hope this one comes around and gets past that.
Tonight the missus an I made an incredible salad - she made home-made croutons, I made home made vinaigrette. It was fantastic. We ate and watched Twin Peaks - its our first time and goodness it is great.
I am keeping up with my exercise better than I have in months. I suppose I always follow my simple pattern: in the Winter I get fat and lazy, and just want to eat Christmas Cookies and curl up on the couch, in Spring I suddenly feel awful and start eating well and lifting weights and running, by the end of Summer I am finally in shape again and then . . . well, its Autumn, and its time for my birthday, and Thanksgiving, and Halloween candy, so who can blame me for skipping a few workouts and indulging in some seriously yummy food?
And that's my year.
I just started reading The French Lieutenants Woman. Best book I have picked up in a while. French Lieutenant's Woman is my just-before-bed book, I'm doing The Magician King in the car on audiobook. In the car I have my special back up book, The Big Bounce.
Anyway, y'all be well and have a great night.
Taoist Thought of the Day: If you must have a philosophy, let it be kindness.
Pet Report: Vindaloo woke me up the other night by vomiting in bed. Lovely. It woke me up at two in the morning. By the time I had cleaned everything up I was wide awake, and it took me two hours to get back to sleep.
Currently Digging: DIY in the kitchen, Azealia Banks, Self-Actualization, Newton's Folly, hummus for breakfast,
I hope this finds you well and good and loving life.
I've been trying to squeeze an hour a day for nothing but work on my novel, which is going slowly. This story is so much fun to write! I think if I could get a day off free and clear, a day when I felt safe ignoring the eight million other things screaming for me to pay attention to them, I could sizzle on it for hours and hours. I love it. I love working on it. I am the first to admit that I always get really excited by new projects, projects that will become work the longer they get. But for now me and the new thing are having our sweet, sweet honeymoon and I am going to let that go just as long as she wants to.
Right now I am reading The Magician King by Lev Grossman, which is very good. Beautiful, brutal, intriguing. At some points its disappointing. Someone tell me why every epic story eventually has to be about the Divinity. When a book I love takes that turn and suddenly its the author wrestling with the God-Idea it makes me sad. Like we, as a culture, always go for the Big Easy Answer. I hope this one comes around and gets past that.
Tonight the missus an I made an incredible salad - she made home-made croutons, I made home made vinaigrette. It was fantastic. We ate and watched Twin Peaks - its our first time and goodness it is great.
I am keeping up with my exercise better than I have in months. I suppose I always follow my simple pattern: in the Winter I get fat and lazy, and just want to eat Christmas Cookies and curl up on the couch, in Spring I suddenly feel awful and start eating well and lifting weights and running, by the end of Summer I am finally in shape again and then . . . well, its Autumn, and its time for my birthday, and Thanksgiving, and Halloween candy, so who can blame me for skipping a few workouts and indulging in some seriously yummy food?
And that's my year.
I just started reading The French Lieutenants Woman. Best book I have picked up in a while. French Lieutenant's Woman is my just-before-bed book, I'm doing The Magician King in the car on audiobook. In the car I have my special back up book, The Big Bounce.
Anyway, y'all be well and have a great night.
Taoist Thought of the Day: If you must have a philosophy, let it be kindness.
Pet Report: Vindaloo woke me up the other night by vomiting in bed. Lovely. It woke me up at two in the morning. By the time I had cleaned everything up I was wide awake, and it took me two hours to get back to sleep.
Currently Digging: DIY in the kitchen, Azealia Banks, Self-Actualization, Newton's Folly, hummus for breakfast,