Hello SG Neigborfolks,
I hope this transmission finds you well and good. Im here doing a little bit of net surfing.
My sister is getting to move back home. This pleases me ever so muchly. Im just afraid that we will throw down for the first two weeks shes in town.
My Oscar Picks:
Best Picture Lord of the Rings Two Towers
Best Animated Feature: Havent seen any of them. Your pick?
Leading Actor: Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean
Leading Actress: Havent seen any of these movies.
Directing: Peter Jackson
Lord of the Rings for basically everything else. Lord of the Rings for President.
I guess it hurts that I havent seen all of three new movies this year. Pirates of the Caribbean, LOTR . . . that might actually be it. Bruce Almighty too now that I think of it. I rent stuff, but I often fall asleep, or feel like smooching on BG.
Me, Im fine here at the house. I just had a most fruitful night of used music and DVD shopping. For less than thirty bucks I got two CDs and the Critic boxed set. Ballin on a budget, thats me.
I just finished The Life of Pi, a great novel about the Christ-Vishnu-Mohammed connection and the best way to prepare turtles on a lifeboat. Not for the squeamish. My highest recommendation.
My deadlines are dead. Fully. I have thirty hours of catch up work, minimum, due two weeks ago. I have a fourty-five hour a week job, an hour commute, tomorrow night is SG Burlesque night and Sunday is the Superbowl. Oh, and did I mention my wild-ass sister will be back in town? This is what we call Situation Grim around my house.
Mr Show Volume 1 came in the mail today. Its a goddamn laugh riot.
I need some rest.
I miss you all, SG. I hope you are well, good happy and whole.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: Teach only what you embody.
Cat Report: Cali is getting fat. Im starting to worry. She wants to eat all the time. The poor sweetie is bored I think. I have to get them some new cat toys they rip them apart on days.
Major Cat Update: We might be getting a third guest cat!! Watch this space for details.
Factoid: My favorite curse word to say is motherfucker, but my favorite curse word to write is rat bastard.
Still need to vote? Hit me up with the love for Xcrawl. If you have, or you will, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Vote for Xcrawl
I hope this transmission finds you well and good. Im here doing a little bit of net surfing.
My sister is getting to move back home. This pleases me ever so muchly. Im just afraid that we will throw down for the first two weeks shes in town.
My Oscar Picks:
Best Picture Lord of the Rings Two Towers
Best Animated Feature: Havent seen any of them. Your pick?
Leading Actor: Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean
Leading Actress: Havent seen any of these movies.
Directing: Peter Jackson
Lord of the Rings for basically everything else. Lord of the Rings for President.
I guess it hurts that I havent seen all of three new movies this year. Pirates of the Caribbean, LOTR . . . that might actually be it. Bruce Almighty too now that I think of it. I rent stuff, but I often fall asleep, or feel like smooching on BG.
Me, Im fine here at the house. I just had a most fruitful night of used music and DVD shopping. For less than thirty bucks I got two CDs and the Critic boxed set. Ballin on a budget, thats me.
I just finished The Life of Pi, a great novel about the Christ-Vishnu-Mohammed connection and the best way to prepare turtles on a lifeboat. Not for the squeamish. My highest recommendation.
My deadlines are dead. Fully. I have thirty hours of catch up work, minimum, due two weeks ago. I have a fourty-five hour a week job, an hour commute, tomorrow night is SG Burlesque night and Sunday is the Superbowl. Oh, and did I mention my wild-ass sister will be back in town? This is what we call Situation Grim around my house.
Mr Show Volume 1 came in the mail today. Its a goddamn laugh riot.
I need some rest.
I miss you all, SG. I hope you are well, good happy and whole.
take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: Teach only what you embody.
Cat Report: Cali is getting fat. Im starting to worry. She wants to eat all the time. The poor sweetie is bored I think. I have to get them some new cat toys they rip them apart on days.
Major Cat Update: We might be getting a third guest cat!! Watch this space for details.
Factoid: My favorite curse word to say is motherfucker, but my favorite curse word to write is rat bastard.
Still need to vote? Hit me up with the love for Xcrawl. If you have, or you will, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Vote for Xcrawl
My picks for:
Movie: "Lost in Translation"
Actor: Bill Murray
Album: Bangs "Call + Response"
Radio show: Loveline
Cats: Three
Book: Ken Wilber's "One Taste"
Curseword: "Cockmaster"