Hi All,
I hope this finds everyone well and good. Me, Im chillin with a 1620 down here in the basement.
Whats that, you say? You have moved out of Big Joe the Roommates room?
Yes, friends and neigbors, we have finaly wired the basement for the internet. Its crude, and the low hanging wire is opressive but GOT DAMN if im not on the net in my undies, drinking a beer.
Funny - when this whole "move the web downstairs" movement began, my principal motivitation was to get to my private space so that I could spend some Quality Personal Time with my faveorite SG's. Now I have a girlfriend, and my priorities have instantly changed.
So not much news. Thursday BG and I leave for Greenville SC for my buddy Gaeng Phed's wedding ( "Gaeng Phed" is not his real name). I'm stoked - except I have to wear a Tux and slick my hair back. Gaeng Phed is a good dude amongst good dudes - he used to date my sister back in the day, and I never once felt like beating his ass. Thats a good feeling.
So tonight will be chill out time - I just finished the first round of corrections on the latest project, and I can relax a bit. BG is gonna be by in an hour or so - lets see if I can't talk her into doing shots. Her dad is working on my car, and I bought him a case of beer yesterday - I hope he likes it.
And ya'll - I hope all yall have a rockin ass night. Ya'll have my love.
Take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: Long tearm happiness begins with accepting the fact of your mortality.
Cat Report: Fresh got up on me today with a nasty butt and left a stain on my T - how frickin nasty can you get? I have gone to a new level as a pet owner - I have wiped my cats nasty ass.
Factoid: My first big concert was Prince and Sheila E. It was the purple rain tour. I think it gave me unrealistic expectatios about live music.
I hope this finds everyone well and good. Me, Im chillin with a 1620 down here in the basement.
Whats that, you say? You have moved out of Big Joe the Roommates room?
Yes, friends and neigbors, we have finaly wired the basement for the internet. Its crude, and the low hanging wire is opressive but GOT DAMN if im not on the net in my undies, drinking a beer.
Funny - when this whole "move the web downstairs" movement began, my principal motivitation was to get to my private space so that I could spend some Quality Personal Time with my faveorite SG's. Now I have a girlfriend, and my priorities have instantly changed.
So not much news. Thursday BG and I leave for Greenville SC for my buddy Gaeng Phed's wedding ( "Gaeng Phed" is not his real name). I'm stoked - except I have to wear a Tux and slick my hair back. Gaeng Phed is a good dude amongst good dudes - he used to date my sister back in the day, and I never once felt like beating his ass. Thats a good feeling.
So tonight will be chill out time - I just finished the first round of corrections on the latest project, and I can relax a bit. BG is gonna be by in an hour or so - lets see if I can't talk her into doing shots. Her dad is working on my car, and I bought him a case of beer yesterday - I hope he likes it.
And ya'll - I hope all yall have a rockin ass night. Ya'll have my love.
Take it light,
Taoist thought of the day: Long tearm happiness begins with accepting the fact of your mortality.
Cat Report: Fresh got up on me today with a nasty butt and left a stain on my T - how frickin nasty can you get? I have gone to a new level as a pet owner - I have wiped my cats nasty ass.
Factoid: My first big concert was Prince and Sheila E. It was the purple rain tour. I think it gave me unrealistic expectatios about live music.