So I went to buy some energy drinks at a gas station tonight for weekend use and I go to take a piss. I walk past the mop in front of the one bathroom and go into the other. As I'm relieving myself, I hear someone else in there on the toilet. No big deal. They walk out of the john and out of the corner of my eye I see that they're staring at me. So I glance over and it's a girl! I'm all retarded because I've been awake since Wednesday, so I check to see if I'm pissing in a sink, but I'm not thankfully. So I think "Whatever, it's too late to try and hide anything now." and finish by shaking it. The girl at the sink has moved over by the garbage can and hasn't left yet or made eye contact with me since I looked over at her the first time. So I start washing my hands and the other stall door swings open and low and behold, it's her friend. Now that they're together they're quietly giggling and talking amongst themselves just low enough that the water is drowning out the words. The other girl is checking me out. As I'm drying my hands with paper towel the first girl says "Sorry." to the floor. I just shrug my shoulders with arms extended and say "No big deal." and walk out to purchase my drinks. I just found it funny how I should have been the one who got embarassed, not the other way around.
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